Seventy witches gathered at the top occult bookstore in Brooklyn, New York, over the weekend to curse Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump, Lance Wallnau says. But they weren’t the only ones who showed up.
“What’s interesting is a group of intercessors surrounded the bookstore, and if you look at any of the media footage, even though antifa was there, and the witches were there and they were doing their curses, there was no manifest altercation. The reason is, the Christians were singing about the blood of Jesus for hours,” Wallnau says.
“… You could hear the singing outside, and there was such an anointing on it that I’m convinced that the blood of Jesus kept that incident from happening because antifa was strangely mute at the event. It was the singing of the believers, I think, that really, on location, was the great neutralizer on any kind of mischief that could be released by occult curses.”
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