September-October 2022

  • The Return of the Gods

    The Return of the Gods

    Is it possible that behind what is happening to America and the world lies a mystery hidden in inscriptions of ancient Mesopotamia? Could the ancient entities known to the nations as the “gods” be more than just fiction and myth—but actually possess an independent reality? Is it possible that they have returned to our world?

  • Why Every Christian Should Visit Israel

    Why Every Christian Should Visit Israel

    From the moment you enter Jerusalem, there is an immediate sense that this place is different from anywhere else on earth. You can feel it in the air—that sense of prophetic destiny: past, present and future all converging. As you walk through the Old City and experience places like the Pools of Bethesda, the City

  • Urgent Messages for These Troubled Times

    Urgent Messages for These Troubled Times

    I love books. When I say “books,” I’m primarily talking about real books—books you hold in your hands and read with your eyes. (And yes, that includes e-books.) Podcasts and audio books are fine for traveling or for when we don’t really feel like concentrating. But books—real books—are (in my opinion) the preferred storehouses of

  • The Miracles and Awe of Knowing God

    The Miracles and Awe of Knowing God

    Do you know that there are more than 8,000 promises in the Bible? That’s a lot of promises! But more important than knowing or reciting those 8,000 promises is knowing the promise giver Himself. When we know God—really know Him—it is easy to believe that He has only the very best in His heart for

  • You Can Be Free from an Orphan Spirit

    You Can Be Free from an Orphan Spirit

    Since the fall of man, the orphan spirit has been at the root of much of the chaos, division and destruction in the church and the world. Many of humanity’s problems can be traced back to the orphan spirit. Cultural divides caused by a global pandemic, the charged political climate, wars, overthrown governments, human trafficking,

  • There Is No Room for Political Complacency Anymore

    There Is No Room for Political Complacency Anymore

    Have you ever experienced a life-changing moment? A moment when you knew you would never look at the world the same? Or maybe it was a moment of insight that would forever eliminate your automatic, learned responses? For me, that moment came while visiting Kenya in 2007. After starting a new job with the U.S.

  • The Prodigal Son Turned Preacher

    The Prodigal Son Turned Preacher

    Since January 2018, the Capital Area Dream Center (CADC) in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has been meeting the tangible needs of the city’s underprivileged while reaching thousands of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the last four years, CADC has served 18,000 meals and led over 900 people to Christ on the streets of Harrisburg.

  • Abandoned to the Joy of Complete Surrender

    Abandoned to the Joy of Complete Surrender

    Have you ever considered what will happen the moment you die? Are you ready for it? Do you know what “being ready” entails? Believer or not, when it happens—and it will—you may be in for a major surprise. In 2 Timothy 4:6-7 (ESV), the apostle Paul writes, “For I am already being poured out as

  • The Prophet’s Blessing

    The Prophet’s Blessing

    Jesus told His disciples that when He returned to the Father, they would experience persecution, betrayals, imprisonment and even death because of their faith in Him. But He assured them they had nothing to fear from the world because He had overcome it. “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might

  • The Lightning Rod of North Carolina

    The Lightning Rod of North Carolina

    As the first African American ever to be elected North Carolina’s lieutenant governor, if Mark Robinson’s meteoric rise to power continues, he could also wind up as the state’s first Black governor come 2025. Among his legion of admirers is Chad Harvey, teaching pastor at the 3,000-member Cross Assembly of God in Raleigh, where Robinson

  • David Encouraged Himself in the Lord—So Can You

    David Encouraged Himself in the Lord—So Can You

    David’s name appears in the Bible 971 times, more than any other individual except Jesus. David went through many struggles, failures and battles, yet he stayed faithful to God. He knew how to keep spiritually strong even when his trials overwhelmed him. David’s worst day is described in 1 Samuel 30, when the Amalekites raided

  • As the Church goes…So Goes America

    As the Church goes…So Goes America

    One of the most brilliant and powerful creations from our incredible God is the church. Its first appearance is found in the book of Acts where the early church models what the body of Christ was intended to be. They shared meals together, met in homes, served each other, worshipped together, gave sacrificially and their

  • Reasons for Hope in Trying Times

    Reasons for Hope in Trying Times

    Reading Jonathan Cahn’s cover story in this issue or his new book, Return of the Gods, is a sobering reminder of what is happening in our world. It seems things are rushing headlong toward the end of time. Recently I reread the book of Matthew, and his description of what will happen in the last

  • The Miracle of Israel’s Greatest Friends

    The Miracle of Israel’s Greatest Friends

    People often ask me, with all the threats that Israel faces, isn’t it frightening to live there? Don’t I worry about my children? If I look at it through worldly eyes, then yes, it can certainly be frightening. Looking at it that way, you might even think people who make aliyah (immigrate to Israel), as

  • How You Can Be Peaceful in Every Situation of Your Life

    How You Can Be Peaceful in Every Situation of Your Life

    Peace is an amazing gift God offers us. I know what it’s like to live without peace—upset most of the time, anxious, fearful and worried. It’s miserable! Since I’ve discovered how to live with God’s peace, I will do anything I need to do to have it. We have to understand the value of peace

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