C. Hope Flinchbaugh

  • Staying Faithful to God’s Word With Supernatural Boldness

    Staying Faithful to God’s Word With Supernatural Boldness

    Pastor Mark Burns is shaking religious and political norms to their foundations. He has been unwilling to bow to the expectations of man and instead has pledged radical obedience to the voice of God. As a result, he has been thrust into the very heart of the national struggle for the soul of this country.

  • The Apostle of Joy

    The Apostle of Joy

    A quest for the baptism of the Holy Spirit brought Georgian Banov to a throne room encounter with what he describes as millions of angels swirling and shouting around God’s throne in uncontained joy. And the power of the Spirit ignited within him that day has carried him through Bible school, marriage, an award-winning career

  • A Little Oil Will Not Do in 2014

    A Little Oil Will Not Do in 2014

    “The foolish said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out’” (Matt. 25:8, NASB). We are in the last hour of the last days. I don’t think there’s a Christian (and a number of people who aren’t Christians) who doesn’t believe that. Jesus told us that in order

  • Filming God

    Filming God

    How does a skeptical filmmaker venture into the heart of darkness to test the depths of God’s ‘furious’ love? Have you thought about asking God for an idea?”  That was the question Darren Wilson’s wife, Jenell, posed to him after he experienced what he called “an idea block.” At the time, Jenell’s query irritated Wilson.

  • Ignite the Fire

    Bill and Brenda Johnson have one goal—revival. They’re seeing it happen in their California church and beyond.

  • Brave Hearts in a Desperate Land

    ROLLAND and HEIDI BAKER ventured to Mozambique armed with faith and little money. Today they have planted hundreds of churches in a nation overrun by Muslim gangs.

  • Nora Lam: Christ’s Ambassador to China

    Yes, I am a Christian!" 23-year-old Nora Lam declared to the interrogator. Shaking with rage, the Communist Chinese official exploded: "Take her out and shoot her! That's an order." Nora was blindfolded and pushed into a courtyard before a firing squad. Given two minutes to leave a message for her husband, the young pregnant mother…

  • Should You Lead Young Kids to Christ?

    Should You Lead Young Kids to Christ?

    Conventional wisdom says you shouldn’t introduce your children to faith when they are preschoolers. But I believe that’s the perfect time! My son Johnathan was 3 when he let me know he wanted to be born again. One day we were heading down the interstate highway when Johnathan spoke up from his car seat in

  • Writing His Word on Little Hearts

    Since the Ten Commandments aren't welcome in public schools today, Christian publishers have united to instill biblical values in the hearts of kids.

  • Why the Revival Flame Still Burns Bright in China

    Why the Revival Flame Still Burns Bright in China

    American evangelist Randy Clark discovered that the Holy Spirit is fueling dramatic church growth in China in spite of persecution. American healing evangelist Randy Clark, best known as the man who helped ignite the “Toronto Blessing” revival in Canada in 1994, met recently with seven top leaders of the New Wine House Church movement, a

  • Indonesia: The Horrors of Jihad

    Thousands of Christians have died, fled their homes or endured forced circumcision and conversion to Islam as Muslim extremists press their ‘holy war’ in the Moluccas. Duma is one of thousands of island villages that dot the crescent-shaped archipelago of Indonesia’s Molucca Islands, a paradise rich in natural resources, unspoiled beaches and botanical gardens. Although

  • Opposition From Muslim Extremists Doesn’t Deter Pakistani Evangelist

    Shahbaz Bhatti preaches the gospel and champions human rights causes despite pending threats from Muslim extremists

  • Floods of Love in Mozambique

    God gave Heidi Baker a vision to reach forgotten children in Mozambique. Today he and her husband, Rolland, care for more than 600 orphans.

  • The Man Who Asked God For More

    He's best known as the man God used to start the Toronto Blessing in Canada in 1994. Today revivalist Randy Clark is spreading sparks from that fire all over the world.

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