Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

A Prophetic Call for the End-Time Church (Part 2)

The Ezekiel Generation

I believe in these days without doubt that G-d is calling us to far greater depths into our intercessory role, much more than we are currently experiencing. And not just for Israel, but also for the nations and all that has to happen in order for Christ to return. For when we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we should be praying for G-d’s words and covenants to come to pass throughout the world, so that His true peace will be established amongst us with His millennial reign upon the earth.

The Ezekiel Generation: The Role of the Church

Take a look at the second prophecy in Ezekiel 37, which is the founding scripture for The Ezekiel Generation. There are two specific prophecies in this chapter; the first has to deal with the land being restored.

The second deals with Israel’s spiritual awakening, which is still obviously yet to happen (see verses 9-11).

However, please note here: Is G-d the one to breathe the breath of G-d back in to the dry bones of Israel? Or is it Ezekiel who He commands to prophesy? “Then He said to me, Prophesy to the breath: prophesy, son of man, and say to it, “This is what the Sovereign L-rd says: Come from the four winds, O breath and breathe into these slain, that they may live, So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood on their feet—a vast army. Then He said to me: Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel.”

Here, in his prophetic role, Ezekiel is told by G-d to call on the four winds of the earth and breathe the breath of life into Israel and the Jewish people; just like we are now called in the church to stand in the gap for Israel and breath the breath of G-d in to them. For I believe at this time that we in the church are the prophetic fulfillment of this prophecy in taking up Ezekiel’s role to release the mercy of G-d back into our firstborn brethren in the family of G-d, which is why this message is so important for us to grasp, as it has eternal consequences to us all.

I believe that we and the generations of believers who tarry before the L-rd returns are “The Ezekiel Generation”—that He is looking for His church to stand in the gap, to pray, to intercede and to bring Israel forth. To call and proclaim the breath of the New Covenant, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to release it into His firstborn children, our brothers and sisters in the faith and at the same time, for us to come into the fullness of the Gentiles with the greatest spiritual awakening we have ever witnessed upon the earth.

That ultimately all of us can come into our inheritance, which will precipitate the L-rd’s return.

What an honor He is actually bestowing upon His body in these generations, that we can be the very vessels of His power and His mercy to awaken the Jewish people back to faith and to witness its effects upon the nations. For let us gather together in unity and speak with one voice in the Spirit of G-d, “Israel, come forth!”

There will be times for us to reach out and especially those of us who live around Jewish people, but let the evangelism and witness come from a leading of His Spirit, that is bathed in His love, in His wisdom, in His patience; but most importantly through intercessory prayer, which should be the foundation for everything we do. As we can never take this battle on, on our own, but rather must be filled with His power and His strength, for this battle is truly divine.

At this time in history, may we become ever so conscious of this intercessory role that as the Ezekiel of G-d, we may come into agreement with the G-d of Israel to pray and push; to fight and to stand, to see Israel come to life in the Spirit. That we may be used of His Spirit in such a manner that will help give birth to the establishment of the kingdom of G-d upon the earth, Oh my G-d, how awesome is that! Would you like to receive the Ezekiel Anointing?

For prayers to receive the Ezekiel anointing, please go to pages 177-178 in the Ezekiel Generation. To read part 1 of this series, click here.

Grant Berry is a Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus and author of The New Covenant Prophecy and The Ezekiel Generation. He has founded Reconnecting Ministries with the specific focus to help the church reconnect spiritually to Israel and considers it vital to the kingdom of G-d in the last days. His message focuses on the unity, love and healing that the Father wants to bring between Jew and Gentile yet clearly points out the differences and misunderstandings between the two groups. Now is the time to look more carefully into this mystery to make way for healing and reconnection in the Spirit. For more information, please visit

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