Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

A Prophetic Call for the End-Time Church (Part 2)

The Ezekiel Generation

In other words, whom will they hear the Good News from, and where will the mercy come from, except through us believers?

I am not just connecting this teaching to witness and evangelism, which I think the apostle Paul was referring to in the second passage, but rather toward a position of faith in the Spirit within us, that at this time, Israel and the Jewish people must now come forth spiritually in light of G-d’s words and covenants to them.

I believe this attitude of faith is what G-d is looking to form in us that will affect and change everything else we do, including our evangelism back toward them. For it is with the Father’s heart and the Father’s mercy that we can both pray and intercede for their spiritual awakening and nothing else will do. I believe we are all called to share this prayer burden with the L-rd. And while it is true to say that some of us are called to greater works amongst the Jewish communities around us, because we live in more heavily populated Jewish areas, many of us may have never even met a Jewish person before. However, this would not separate us from the burden of prayer and intercession, which is the actual catalyst to bring them forth. To unite G-d’s family, which will help to usher in His return for both groups (Jewish and Gentile believers) to take dominion over the earth. You may not be aware of this, but there are already churches in different parts of the world that may have never even seen a Jewish person and yet they are gathering for regular for fasting and prayer to help rebirth Israel spiritually.

Nor should we think of new programs and ideas alone with all of our good intentions to want to reach out to the Jewish people. Everything must come from His heart and Spirit if we are going to succeed in His strength and not our own. As we have already seen from the past what happens when we try to love Israel from our own humanity and strength. For we should not forget that until the veil is removed, most Jewish people will resist anything to do with Y’shua and this is why the Holy Spirit needs to so carefully position us; fully understanding their resistance, but never changing our position towards them in the Spirit through prayer and intercession.

“As far as the gospel is concerned they are enemies, but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for G-d’s gifts and call is irrevocable” (Rom. 11:28-29). For if they rejected Luther, they will reject us too! Until their appointed time, which will be brought about through love and effective fervent prayer and intercession. Through His tender mercies and the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit, who is our chief intercessor, whom I often refer to in this role as the conductor. For effective fervent intercession is likened unto an orchestra, with the Holy Spirit leading His musicians into a unity and harmony of sound, which I will address in future articles.

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