If we truly understood the significance of this transaction and the consequences that are waiting to be loosed upon us as we reconnect spiritually with our first-born brethren to help awaken Israel, in reality we would run to it with all our strength and all our heart.
So I have to ask the question that my book, The Ezekiel Generation, fully addresses: What stops us? Sensitive areas in us from our ancestry that need to be broken off from our past, so G-d can lead us into our destiny and future to give glory to G-d!
We need to understand that we have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose by Israel’s spiritual restoration. But far greater than that is that our reconnection to Israel in the Spirit will loose the end-time power upon the earth. For what does the Word say—that as we come into the fullness of the Gentiles, so all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11:25-27).
And let’s not address what all means here, as this is a separate discussion. However, there is an incredible connection here between the last great outpouring and harvest among the Gentiles and Israel’s spiritual awakening as the family of G-d is properly restored, which we must begin to fully recognize. What does the apostle Paul tell us about this mystery? That their acceptance will be life from the dead. And what does this Scripture point to except end-time power, Jesus’ return and the raising of the dead—truly exciting, all-powerful stuff!
We must also understand that as we enter this age that Israel’s spiritual hardening, which is only temporary, will come to an end, and where will you be with this restoration as our Father brings it to pass? And I say this with all humility and love, but I would not want to be among those who are against Israel or who believe that they have replaced them when Y’shua returns. So this leads me into my explanation of exactly what our end-time role is in the church regarding Israel and how prophetic it really is and our need to respond to it.

The greatest role for us all to play in these times is to pray and intercede for Israel’s rebirth and for the L-rd’s return. To take them on as our very own family, which the Father’s heart will restore in us; to stand in the gap for their spiritual awakening; to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and to realign our intercession to its kingdom position, to the Jew first and then to the nations, that the end-time power and glory would come upon us all. Not just for Israel but also for the nations. Isn’t that what the fullness of the Gentiles really means? For while Israel’s spiritual restoration may be the missing piece of the puzzle and the golden key to the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the earth, it is also the church’s reconnection toward them, taking hold of the key and unlocking its unquenchable power.
As I have written in other articles, we are indeed intricately linked together and must now begin to see this mystery so we can fully move into our role to help restore them spiritually to the family of G-d. For it is through the circle of G-d’s mercy that we may be able to shine His light back to our firstborn brothers and sisters.
In the words of the great intercessor Rees Howells, “It reminds us that no great event in history, even though prophesied beforehand in the Scriptures, comes to pass unless G-d finds His human channels of faith and obedience.”
“With the mercy we have received as a result of their disobedience … in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of G-d’s mercy to us. For G-d has bound all men over to disobedience so that He may have mercy on them all” (Rom. 11:30-32).
And again with the apostle Paul’s reference to reaching out to Israel here, “How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news” (Rom. 10:14-15).