Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Just How Bold Should We Be When Witnessing to the Jews?

Grant Berry

Yeshua Is The Only True Extension Of Judaism

We must come to fully understand that the following of Yeshua is the only true and proper extension of Israel spiritually, fulfilled through His life, sacrifice and resurrection, and that Christianity is Jewish. As hard as this maybe for Jewish people and even Christians to understand, if they do not accept Messiah, they like everyone else remain under the curse of sin; that current Judaism whether religious or reformed has no hope for Israel spiritually, except to keep them until their appointed time of awakening, which we know must come before Yeshua returns to us.

Let’s look at this a little deeper, shall we? Jesus is close to the end of His ministry upon the earth and one day He is returning from Bethany and notices a Fig Tree that has no fruit on it, except it has leaves, portraying that it was still active, without much life. And all of sudden out of the blue, He curses it and says, “May you never bear fruit again!” And immediately the tree withered. (Mat.21:18-19)

Now look what happened next, immediately His authority is questioned (see Mat.21:23-27). And if you read the account in Mark, Yeshua goes into the Temple courts and ransacks the merchants and overturns all of the tables. “Is it not written: My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it into a den of robbers.” (Mark 11:17) Isn’t it interesting that immediately after the Fig tree is cursed that Jesus is addressing issues related to His authority from the powers that be?

I humbly submit to you that Yeshua was issuing a judgment on the levitical priesthood; the Sanhedrin with all of its leaders and authority had just been dealt a final blow from God and ever since that moment, the old office of Judaism was rendered powerless spiritually, never to bear fruit again. Actually being evidenced by Israel’s isolation in the diaspora. Whereas Israel had been called to be a light to the nations, which was then fulfilled by the Jewish apostles and their followers, which is still happening to this day, mainly through His Gentile family from the nations.

Yeshua Himself brought it to and end and transferred His authority to the apostles, which happened on Shavuot/Pentecost, the very feast that celebrates the giving of the law and now the new covenant, to be released into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

However, as we know from the many Scriptures and prophetic writings, God is not finished with Israel who must come into an awakening and that along with the church, Israel’s priesthood will be re-established when Yeshua returns (see Isaiah 61; Rev.2:26; 5:9-10), as by then they will be spiritually restored (see Deut.30:4-6; Ez.36;22-28; 37:9-11).

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