Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

For Israel and the Church: The Lord Says, ‘It Is Time to Rebirth My Firstborn Sons and Daughters’

Behold the Lamb, His love for the Father, the Father’s love for Yeshua/Jesus, their love for their family and their heart for us to be restored, to be made one, our love for God, our love for one another and His plan to make the family complete.

“Do not be ignorant to this mystery: Israel has experienced a hardening until the fullness of the Gentiles has come, and in this way all Israel will be saved.” (See Romans 11:25-26.)

What if I were to tell you that this mystery to awaken Israel has been hidden during the church age and is only now coming to light? It’s just like the mystery to establish the Gentiles to the faith in Jesus was hidden from the Jews. (See Ephesians 3:2-9; John 10:16.) When Yeshua went to the Pharisees in the temple courts and explained that all of His other children from the nations were yet to come in, the Jewish leaders could not see or understand.

Except now the tables are turned and Jesus comes to His children from the nations.

I hear the Lord saying, “It is time to re-birth My firstborn sons and daughters. I love them as I love you; I have covenanted to restore them. Are not My promises to the Jewish people irrevocable? (See Romans 11:29.) I have a plan to restore us, to restore them and to make our family complete. Have I not said that I will show Myself holy through them to the nations? (See Ezekiel 36:22-38.)

“But first I come to you, My precious Gentile children from the nations, and say to you, all I have is already yours. I love you with an everlasting love, and I ask you at this time, will you partner with Me to make our family (Israel and the church) complete? Will you partner with Me to awaken Israel and to take on My covenants to restore them as your own?

“I have a plan that will lead to the last great harvest, that will lead to Israel’s awakening, just as My Word prophesies. But first, there is a pathway to restoration that you must take now, for love and unity need to be restored amongst those of us who already believe, that My prayer in John 17 would be fulfilled. Will you allow Me to send My mercy to wash away the divisions among you, to cleanse you from the issues that divide you, and to release greater love to melt them away, that I may send the fullness of My glory upon you?

“Will you allow Me to rebuild the spiritual walls of love and unity in our family to remove the divisions among you in My body and release you, My Ekkleisa/Church into your end-time roles? Will you allow Me to restore love and unity in The One New Man (TONM), between Jew and Gentile that I created at the cross and resurrection, those who were near and those who were far (see Ephesians 2:11-22), to restore the Gentile church to the remnant of Israel (Messianic believers), to restore love and unity between all races and tongues that the world would know that you are My disciples? Beloved, I have a plan. Will you trust Me to perform it? I can’t do this without you.”


“Dear heavenly Father, I love You; I love You, Yeshua/Jesus; and I love You, Holy Spirit. I come to You in the most precious name of Yeshua/Jesus, the Lamb and the Lion, and I ask You to confirm this word to Your children; this pathway of restoration that we need now to move into for Your end-time gates to open and Your plans to be made known. Father, that this restoration in Your family between Your Jewish and Gentile believing family is much more relational than we have previously thought and that our love for one another will help to melt away the obstacles and divisions between us, and between all races and all tongues. Father, please show us the way. In Yeshua/Jesus’ name, amen.”

Author and speaker Grant Berry is the founder of Reconnecting Ministries and producer of The Romans 911 Project. Grant is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and is promoting a new message into the body of Messiah/Christ during these last days, known as “The Reconnection.” The Reconnection is a term used to describe the reuniting and reconciliation of Jewish and Gentile believers into John 17 love and unity into “The One New Man” now that Israel’s awakening is upon us. The Romans 911 Project has been created to bring The Reconnection message to light, which has primarily been hidden in the mystery of Israel’s restoration according to Romans 11:25-27. For more information and a special offer on The Romans 911 Project, please visit

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