Face Your Fears

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Valerie G. Lowe

Valerie Lowe

Valerie Lowe
What do you do when you’re struggling with feelings of fear? Do you face your emotions and come up with ways to combat the problem? Or do you concede defeat and allow the assaults to continually rob you of your joy?

Fear is a powerful emotion and when left unchecked, it metastasizes like a cancer cell. It spreads quickly through your mind destroying your creativity, confidence and the godly authority you once wielded as a servant of the Lord. The result is paralysis of the will.

Several years ago I was ministering to a woman in her 70s who told me she didn’t go to college because she had been retained in sixth grade. She was afraid and thought she would never be good enough to be a college student. She managed to graduate high school, but low self-esteem gave way to fear and she stopped living life to the fullest.

Today, with the help of the Holy Spirit, she is facing her fears head on. She enrolled in a community college and is pursuing a degree in business.

What’s holding you back from fulfilling your godly purpose? Have you fallen prey to some sin and now you’re afraid God doesn’t love you? Do you listen to the enemy’s lies about who you are? Whatever the cause, fear is keeping you from your destiny.

When you see fear coming or sense its presence, face it. Fear is oftentimes rooted in deception. But when you discover the truth of God’s Word, you begin to see yourself as God sees you. How freeing! Let the Holy Spirit transform your thinking today (see Romans 12: 1-2).

We don’t have to live our lives characterized by fear. We can live confidently and carry out His will in the earth. God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound, well-disciplined mind (see 2 Tim. 1:7).

Valerie G. Lowe is editor of SpiritLed Woman eMagazine.


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