Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

Ken Ham Discusses the Importance of Biblical Authority

I talk with Ken Ham on the Everyday Discernment podcast where Ken reflects on his childhood when his parents stood for biblical authority. His father saturated himself in the Word of God, seeing it as the words of his heavenly Father since his earthly father died when he was a teenager. This dedication to the Word of God impacted Ken from a young age and has stayed with him his entire life, and into his current work and ministry.

Ken believes the Bible fully and by faith but also had a burden early in his teaching career to provide answers to people who had questions about the Bible and what they were hearing in schools, like evolution. In a world where information was not easily accessible like it is today, Ken gathered resources and started a bookstore in Australia.

This passion for truth continued and has led him to start Answers in Genesis, and now the building of the world-renowned Ark Encounter and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum. Ken sees the Word of God under attack more than ever today and his new book, Divided Nation: Cultures in Chaos & A Conflicted Church, seeks to provide families and churches biblical mandates to awake and arise as influences in today’s turbulent times.

Ken says that we need to equip the younger generation with answers to the attacks of our day. Many are leaving the church at record rates for various reasons. Ken believes when man questions God’s Word and creates compromises to biblical truth, we are setting up the next generation for further falling away from God.

Ken says that God’s Word does not change but culture does change. The same attacks by the Devil that happened in the garden, of questioning God’s Word, are still happening today. The attack may manifest itself in different ways with evolution and a secularized culture setting the foundational worldview of people’s thoughts and lives. Ken believes the church and parents need to have answers and resources to present God’s Word in an unashamed way.

Ken says everyone has a worldview and it breaks down to two alternatives: God’s Word or man’s word. What we see at a cultural level today is a clash between the two worldviews. It is also very important to understand who you are talking to and what foundational view they are starting with. If we talk about sin or marriage or any number of biblical values, if we are not agreeing at a foundational level, then all the debates and arguments may not make a difference. We need to love others and explain not just the issue at hand but why a foundational starting point in the Word of God is so important.

For more on my conversation with Dr. Ken Ham, including why he believes Genesis 1-11 is the foundation for all theological doctrine, listen to the titled episode on the Everyday Discernment Podcast. {eoa]

Tim Ferrara has grown up in the church and has held various leadership positions, both in business and in the church. Tim is currently the executive pastor at LifePoint Church in Arizona. He has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Arizona State University, along with a MBA from University of Phoenix. He has had a career in business management for over 20 years and has worked as faculty for two different colleges. Tim started the ministry of Discerning Dad ( as a way to write and encourage Christians to grow in discernment and make better decisions that honor God. He has a book called Everyday Discernment: The Importance of Spirit-Led Decision Making as well as multiple YouVersion Bible plans. Tim also has a podcast called Everyday Discernment, which is a top-ranked Christian podcast on the Charisma and Edifi podcast networks. Tim lives with his wife Jamie and their two children in Arizona.

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