Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

How God Is Calling and Equipping You to Be David in the Giants of Your Life

It’s a new day in our society. Many are feeling the adverse effects of quick change, shocking developments and loss of community and anything familiar.

Do you find yourself frozen in place by the taunts of the enemy to cancel you, replace you or delete you?

Do you feel too weak to make a difference compared to those around you who are louder than you or bigger than you?

Do you shrink back from confronting the opposition because you don’t feel you are ready to face the enemy?

David found a secret on the back side of the mountain, tending the sheep, that enabled him to bolt into action to defeat the enemy of his people, a giant of a man named Goliath. Meanwhile, soldiers twice his size looked on in jaw-dropping surprise, outdone by a shepherd boy who had learned who God is.

Unable to argue with the results of a slain enemy, the soldiers found themselves in training on the secret David knew.

We too are in training today. We need to go back to what we’ve learned on the other side of the desert, sitting in awe of a marvelous God. We need to remember how God has strengthened us to slay a lion, kill a bear and overcome the threats of the enemy in our own youth.

We are facing the enemies of our people, the giants in the land in 2021. We feel the weight of their footsteps reverberating as they stomp the earth with threats of tyranny, suppression and domination. We hear their armor clinking as they show off, censor, cancel and run roughshod over those who want to be heard, have a conversation and see integrity confronting wrongdoing. We see flashes as their swords clash with Judeo-Christian values slashing freedoms in schools, churches and business.

Many Davids are in the making at this transitional time in human history. You need to be a David.

Why? Because it won’t get easier than it is now to get yourself together by going deep with God into your destiny and faith to get a divine strategy to live the Christian life and fulfill your calling. If you don’t take the training seriously now my friend, the hits only come faster and harder in the days to come.

Reckon with the fact that you are on the earth, chosen by God for this time, to be a player, a voice in a transitional year, a transitional decade of how human history will go from here. It’s time to trade your confusion in the chaos for confidence that God is working. It’s time to form your game plan from a place of deep worship as you draw near to the God of your soul. Run with endurance and throw off every weight that entangles you.

Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are encompassed with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

No more binge watching movies. No more gluttony, eating yourself into oblivion. Whatever you think are your little secret sins that dull you, delude your thinking and set you back, no more. Self medicating puts you further behind and brings no real comfort. It crowds God out.

There’s no more time to ask, “What Happened here?” It’s time to face current reality and go deep in the secret place, so we can come out ready to be used of God in any situation.

Because David spent time knowing God as a shepherd, he could function as a mighty warrior when his moment came.

In a moment of clarity in this quick mental process, David certainly had a chance to give in to fear.

He could have feared when considering the sheer size of a 9 foot tall giant.

And he could have feared the fact that even King Saul’s armor hung on him like a big tent.

Perhaps even the disbelieving eyes of his brothers and the rest of the army who wondered what this errand boy could possibly bring to the battle … this certainly could have stirred fear within the shepherd boy.

David sized up the opposition as Goliath came out yelling, taunting and challenging the God of King Saul.

He didn’t run and hide but looked the giant in the face, and God gave him the plan.

Perhaps David heard God whisper in his ear:

“Pick up the stones. Use the tools I’ve taught you when no one was watching on the hillside. You learned to fling a stone and kill a bear, or slay a lion. Today, you will slay a giant. Don’t compare yourself to the soldiers, don’t try to move about in a clunky old king’s armor. Be confident in how I’ve made you, how close we are and how I’m putting you into action at this moment.”

The world is full of men and women right now who are quaking in their boots with the threats to our freedoms looming large and hoping for a David to show up. What if each of us rose up as David did to hasten toward the enemy, dealing the blow we already have within reach through prayer? What if we arise to run for office, love people, know our neighbors and bring life to the sphere where God has placed us?

God had a strategy for David within reach, and He has a strategy for you. Respond to the training at hand, my friend. Be the David in your world and call up others to join you. {eoa}

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