Nadia Schult

  • The Lies Satan Wants You to Believe

    The Lies Satan Wants You to Believe

    Do you believe that the people who serve and worship Satan here on earth will have his special favor in hell? Do you think that Satan will promote them, or give them a place of significance after they die? If you or anyone you know believes this, you are gravely and dangerously mistaken. The Bible

  • How You Unknowingly Invite Demonic Spirits Into Your Life

    How You Unknowingly Invite Demonic Spirits Into Your Life

    Visiting a psychic, engaging in tarot card readings, diving into horoscopes or even playing dark games is playing with the dark side. These things all seem harmless and enjoyable, but you are actually inviting the presence of demonic spirits into your life when you participate in these activities. You actually give them permission to invade

  • Why Does Evil Exist?

    Why Does Evil Exist?

    Quite a few people believe that God is the one responsible for the evil that occurs on the earth and in their own lives. This is simply not the case. God is good, and He wants us to live in health and benefit from His protection. If you don’t understand and recognize where evil really

  • ’23 Minutes in Hell’ Author: Why Did God Send Me to Hell?

    ’23 Minutes in Hell’ Author: Why Did God Send Me to Hell?

    Of all the things I’m asked about my terrifying hell experience, one prominent question is this: “Why did God send you to hell?” I had been a devoted Christian for 28 years. I never asked God to show me hell. I never asked for this experience. Many people express that they wish God would give

  • Jesus, the Trinity and the Old Testament

    Jesus, the Trinity and the Old Testament

    There are many reasons to believe Jesus was and is the God of the Old Testament. Jesus said, “If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins” (John 8:24). If Jesus was not God, what value did His death hold on the cross? What is the basis for our

  • Believers, Don’t Be Surprised When Your Faith Offends

    Believers, Don’t Be Surprised When Your Faith Offends

    The Scriptures reveal that Jesus was not politically correct. We should also not be concerned if people are offended when we present the Word of God to them. We need to share Biblical truth in a loving, non-condescending way, but never compromise it. The Word of God does offend the sinner. It is meant to

  • ’23 Minutes in Hell’ Author: Wake Up, Christians!

    ’23 Minutes in Hell’ Author: Wake Up, Christians!

    Every Christian today needs to ask himself if he is asleep in any area of his faith. The disciples walked closely with Jesus and yet, on the night He would be betrayed, they were oblivious to the darkness that was coming. They were in His presence day after day and somehow they did not know

  • If You Could See Hell for 5 Seconds

    If You Could See Hell for 5 Seconds

    If you could see hell for just five seconds you would never take God’s name in vain again. You would thank Him every day for the rest of your life for providing the way of salvation. You would thank God that you are still breathing and have hope. If you could see hell for five

  • Kellogg’s LGBTQ-Themed Cereal Ignores ‘Objective Understanding’ of Love

    Kellogg’s LGBTQ-Themed Cereal Ignores ‘Objective Understanding’ of Love

    “Boxes are for cereal, not people,” the Kellogg’s company has announced as part of a new “Together with Pride” campaign, which encourages today’s children to choose their own pronouns. In a partnership with GLAAD—the LGBT-advocacy group originally founded as the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation—the prominent cereal company is sharing a pro-LGBT activist message:

  • Use This Spiritual Checklist in Every Major Life Choice

    Use This Spiritual Checklist in Every Major Life Choice

    The Bible gives us many verses that instruct us on how to avoid life’s problems and help us through the storms we all encounter. It’s a sort of spiritual checklist to compare our life choices against. So many people are totally unaware of these benefits. They also don’t realize the things they might be doing

  • Jesus Calls Us to Righteousness: ‘Go and Sin No More’

    Jesus Calls Us to Righteousness: ‘Go and Sin No More’

    Sin not only deceives us but it dulls our hearing from God. It also destroys our ability to exercise faith in God and receive anything from Him. If sin were not harmful and destructive to each of us, Jesus would not have come to carry it to the cross, and save us from its consequences.

  • Believers Must Fully Grasp This Aspect of God’s Identity

    Believers Must Fully Grasp This Aspect of God’s Identity

    The word “Trinity” isn’t found in the Bible. Because of that there are many people, even pastors, who don’t believe the Trinity exists. The Bible, however, makes it crystal clear that God is three persons in one. The person who doesn’t believe in the Trinity most likely has a lack of understanding and accuracy regarding

  • The Scriptural and Spiritual Significance of This Number

    The Scriptural and Spiritual Significance of This Number

    Having spent 23 minutes in hell, I’ve been asked many times if the number 23 holds some spiritual or Scriptural significance. Over the years I began to take note of the dozens of times where this number appeared throughout my travels, in my personal life or within my research. I’ve also studied the Scriptures to

  • Pentecostal Televangelist Ernest Angley Dies at 99

    Pentecostal Televangelist Ernest Angley Dies at 99

    Rev. Ernest Angley passed away on Friday at the age of 99, according to an announcement shared through his ministry. “Pastor, evangelist, and author Rev. Ernest Angley has gone to Heaven to be with His Lord and Master at 99,” read a statement on the website of Ernest Angley Ministries. “He touched multitudes of souls

  • Are We Living in the End of the Age?

    Are We Living in the End of the Age?

    We are almost in the middle of 2021! It’s been over a full year since the coronavirus pandemic was declared. Some U.S. states are open or opening, while others are mandating more restrictions. Troops are scheduled to be fully withdrawn from Afghanistan after 20 years of war. Socialism is rising under the banner of progressivism.

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