During a crusade in Monrovia, Liberia, Daniel Kolenda, a missionary evangelist and successor to Reinhard Bonnke as president of Christ for All Nations, encountered a witch doctor who came to curse and kill him. As he preached, she attempted to cast a spell, but suddenly collapsed, screaming and writhing on the ground. Kolenda’s deliverance team took her to a tent for exorcism, and she was freed from demonic possession, later accepting Jesus as her Savior.
This was not Kolenda’s first encounter with demonic forces. CfaN operates in areas where animism and witchcraft are deeply rooted, often disrupting the business of local occultists. For example, after one crusade, a witch doctor complained to Kolenda that his magical stones no longer spoke after the gospel was preached.
Perry Stone Daniel Kolenda Jonathan Cahn
Spiritual warfare is an important facet of the faith life for all believers, whether they face witchcraft in remote areas or challenges in their everyday lives. In his book, “Slaying Dragons,” Kolenda teaches on the nature of spiritual battles, that believers are not merely combatants in a physical world but also in a spiritual realm.
Kolenda believes many Christians fail to see victory in spiritual battles because they focus on outward actions without addressing internal struggles. He stresses that spiritual warfare is primarily fought in the mind, where Satan influences human thoughts. This understanding, Kolenda says, changes how believers engage in warfare, as they learn that the devil needs human cooperation to execute his plans. Christians must guard their thoughts and align them with God’s Word, rather than succumbing to the “spirit of the world.”
Kolenda’s ministry builds on the legacy of Bonnke, who founded CfaN in 1974 and handed leadership to Kolenda in 2009. Bonnke’s wisdom in mentoring Kolenda prepared the ministry for a smooth transition, a rare feat in evangelical circles where leadership changes often lead to the collapse of ministries.
Since 1987, CfaN’s gospel campaigns have recorded nearly 80 million decisions for Christ, with millions more expected in coming years. Kolenda calls this a “decade of double harvest,” where CfaN anticipates reaping a spiritual harvest greater than the previous 30 years combined.
For Kolenda, spiritual warfare and evangelism are intertwined. He encourages believers to engage in the battle, not just focusing on the devil’s power but on the greatness of God. Through prayer, faith, and perseverance, he believes the church will continue to witness unprecedented victories and harvests of souls, bringing glory to God.

Jonathan Cahn was named along with Billy Graham as one of the top spiritual leaders of the last 40 years to have radically impacted our world. He has spoken at the United Nations and on Capitol Hill, and to millions around the world. Every one of his books, from “The Harbinger” to “The Josiah Manifesto,” have become a New York Times Bestseller. Recognized by American presidential candidates, he has been called the prophetic voice of his generation. His leading in The Return, the National Day of Prayer and Repentance, brought thousands to the National Mall and was watched by millions around the country and the world. He leads Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, New Jersey and Hope of the World ministry, a world outreach of God’s word and compassion to the world’s most needy. To order his newest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit Amazon.com.
Prepared by Charisma Media Staff.