Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Why Apostle Kim Daniels Is the Devil’s Worst Nightmare

You’ve likely heard of the movie called Ghostbusters, but have you ever heard of a demon buster? I recently had the privilege of interviewing Apostle Kimberly Daniels, who earned the moniker “demon buster” because of her boldness to cast out devils. And as a result of her obedience to dreams and visions God gives her, the Lord has used her in mighty ways in Florida politics.

You can listen to her powerful testimony on my “In Depth With Stephen Strang” podcast by clicking here or on the podcast icon in this article. Daniels says she grew up in a rough part of Jacksonville, Florida, surrounded by crime. While she was on the track team, she befriended athletes who lived somewhat recklessly. With these ungodly influences, she says she was an “unholy terror” before she knew Jesus.

“I remember getting saved and … my life was transformed by the power of Jesus Christ,” she says. “When I came back [to the track team] and told everybody that I was saved now and that I was a believer and that God had changed me, people began to watch me really, really closely because they said, ‘We have to see this to believe this.’ And as they watched, they saw the fruit of Jesus Christ, and people began to get saved.”

Eventually, Daniels founded Spoken Word Ministries, Kimberly Daniels Ministries International and Word Bible College. Her ministries equip believers across the world in deliverance and spiritual warfare. She’s also written over 22 books with our publishing arm, Charisma House.

But her accomplishments aren’t just in the ministry arena. Daniels has had a successful political career in Florida, and she makes sure to keep God first through it all. She has served a four-year term in the Jacksonville City Council, and in November 2016, she was elected as a state representative.

Daniels says God told her to write a bill to put prayer back in Florida public schools, which was officially put into effect on July 1, 2017. The next year, she helped pass a bill that required the phrase “In God We Trust” be posted in a conspicuous place in every school in Florida. Now, she’s working on getting a biblical-literacy bill passed for Florida’s schools.

“Before this [prayer bill was passed], there was one little girl who was stopped from saying her prayers,” Daniels says. “She was stopped from saying her blessing. Now, all that is history.”

Even the way Daniels entered politics was God-inspired. The thought of running for the city council had never crossed her mind—that is, until the Holy Spirit told her to do it. It caught Daniels off guard, because she was helping raise money for another woman, Glorious Johnson, to run for mayor.

“I had a vision—a dream, actually—after I just got back from Hong Kong,” she says. “It was 2 or 3 in the morning, and I couldn’t see, but I heard God’s voice in the dark. … I heard a voice say, ‘Glorious will get off the ballot, and you get on.’ It blew my mind.”

Daniels was even more shocked when Glorious called her soon after and told her she was taking herself off the ballot. Daniels was so stunned she simply hung up the phone.

“I didn’t know anything about politics,” she says. “So I took my regular bio that said I was an ex-prostitute and drug [user], and I used it as my campaign bio. So when I put on there that I was running, and it said ex-prostitute and drugs, the media went crazy. The news channels were doing polls, saying, ‘Would you vote for an ex-prostitute?’ And 70% said yes. … It [ended up] helping me out, and I won with 93,000 votes in two months after people were in that race for two years.”

Daniels created quite a stir with her victory—and she even made history. When she was elected, she became the only African-American female on the Democratic ticket to hold a citywide seat. And to this day, no other Democratic black female has had that same position.

Many of the bills and projects Daniels has pursued as a legislator have been the direct result of a prophetic word or vision from the Lord. And the same goes for many of the stances she has taken. For instance, shortly after the Parkland High School mass shooting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Daniels had a vision in which God said, “Tell them not to politicize the deaths of these children.”

In that vision, Daniels saw a black Democrat standing, surrounded by supportive white Republicans. Soon after, she stood on the floor of the House and told her fellow legislators about her vision. As she was explaining the revelation, she was surrounded by white Republicans who were supporting her.

“The devil-worshippers, the atheists and every anti-Christ group that there was—they attacked me so hard,” she says. “But whenever the devil-worshippers, the atheists and those folk attack you, you need to begin to rejoice, because Jesus is coming back soon. And they did [attack me]. They don’t like the fact that I’m black and that I stand for Christ. … There are a lot of believers that are in the Democratic Party. But sometimes party politics will get in the way. And people are afraid to express their faith because it’s not the status quo.”

I admire Daniels for taking such a bold stance for Christian values, no matter what opposition comes against her. We need more people like her, people who are on fire for Jesus Christ and are willing to run for office without being swayed by bribes or moral failure.

Take a moment today to pray for our Christian politicians across the United States. Pray they would stay pure and bold for Christ’s agenda.

Be sure to listen to my full interview with Daniels. You won’t want to miss her incredible stories of what God has done through her in the political arena! If you enjoy what you hear, then click here to subscribe to my podcast.

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