Jim Bakker believes The Harbinger
is one of the most important books he’s ever read because of its prophetic
insights. The book highlights how God dealt with Israel when the people
rejected Him, and how the same warnings in Isaiah 9:10 still apply today.
Bakker is featuring Cahn on his national
television show all this week. He invited us on the show at their new facility
called Morningside outside Branson, Mo.
Bakker wanted to talk about the prophecy behind the book. I
had not told the story publicly, but it’s so incredible we shared it on the show
and I’m sharing it here. It involves Cahn praying for divine guidance and a
total stranger giving Cahn a prophetic word that he had a message that would
shake the nation. That led to a discussion resulting in me being mentioned as a
potential publisher and an email asking if I was interested. After reading the
manuscript I was blown away and the rest, as they say, is history.
The “prophet” is a businessman
from New Jersey named Hubie Synn. We mentioned him in an article in Charisma
four years ago after he prophesied to football player David Tyree that God was
bringing him out of obscurity and that his name was going before him. Soon
after Tyree made a catch against his helmet, which has been called the greatest
catch in Super Bowl history. His team won the game.
Over the years I’ve gotten to know Hubie
and we’ve prayed together. So when he emailed me the last week of January 2011
and said that he’d met a man at an airport who has written “a prophetic
book to the nation,” and added, “I mentioned your name to Jonathan (I hope
you don’t mind)” it caught my attention. He closed by writing:
“Steve, I feel something is up about this, so pray about it.”
What makes it doubly exciting is that Cahn
was praying for guidance at that moment in the airport as he was reading his
Bible and waiting for his connecting flight. Hubie’s flight had been cancelled
and as he was waiting for the next flight he felt he should give a word to a
total stranger who turned out to be Cahn!
As soon as I read the book I knew it was a
special book and I was intrigued by how it had come to us as a word from the
Lord. But we also handled it in a business-like way (as we would any book). Our
incredible book publishing team has done a great job of promoting it. We had no
idea, however, it would zoom to amazon.com‘s Top 100 where it has
remained since then, or that within 10 days it would become a New York
Times bestseller where it has remained for 17 weeks. I had the privilege
of surprising Cahn on the Jim Bakker Show with a plaque commemorating this
As excited as I am as a publisher for a
bestseller, I’m humbled at how God would use a first-time author to see this
truth and use a man with a prophetic gift and a missed flight to connect the
book to me. I’ve been blessed by prophetic words but I’ve also gotten flakey
so-called prophetic words, as well. It’s encouraging to know not all prophetic
words are flakey. And God still speaks through prophetic insights today.
Click here to watch the Jim
Bakker Show with Cahn.
By the way, Jim made a pretty incredible
offer on his show that I’m passing along to you. For a “love gift” of
$55 you get The Harbinger book, the audio version which is six discs
of Cahn reading the book, a 10-disc set DVD & CD series of Cahn teaching
about other mysteries from the Bible available no where else. Plus, as
publicity, we agreed to throw in the June issue of Charisma. Retail
value: about $111. The money goes to his ministry. I get nothing.
If you’re ordering online, you can go to jimbakkershow.com
and enter the code “Charisma.” If you prefer ordering over the phone, call
(888) 886-8897. Or you can write to: Jim Bakker, P.O. Box 7330, Branson, MO
You can also visit Jonathan Cahn’s website
at theharbinger-jonathancahn.com.
And be sure to leave your comments below.