
Culture War Watch

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Steve Strang

I’ve gotten good response to my new format.  I’ve added a link to a page where you can put your comments on the overall column in addition to commenting on each article.  Each time we issue the Strang Report we’ll try to bring you what I consider the most interesting timely news of what is happening in what some have called “the cultural wars,” including spiritual, cultural and political trends.

You may be interested to know our company has its own social networking site at ChristianLife.com.  I invite you to try it out.  It is very similar to Facebook, only Christian. If you join, be sure to add me as a friend.  And if you tweet, you can follow me at twitter.com/sstrang.

Finally, we are offering our subscribers the opportunity to give gift subscriptions to our print version of Charisma magazine. This is something we have done every year, for years and it has always been very successful.  This year for the first time, we’re offering it to the several hundred thousand people who read our newsletters.  On a whim–and hoping you’ll be interested–I decided to include it at the very end.  Take time to read what we have to offer and help us get Charisma into the hands of many more readers.

You can send Steve a comment below.


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