Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Donald Trump’s win is the biggest political comeback in modern history. As the country has become less moral and lurched toward socialism in recent decades, millions of Americans (including most Bible-believing Christians) have had enough. We prayed God would change the downward direction by giving us a leader who would change the course. God answered with a decisive win for Trump, whose life, I believe, God spared—twice!—for such a time as this.

There is a spiritual aspect to this election that most in the media ignore. They focus on issues they think swung the election—the economy, the border crisis and foreign policies. But they ignore the fact that millions of us consider abortion murder; that we refuse to allow the ever-growing list of perversions to be crammed down our throats; and that we just resent the ungodly trend toward more government that manifests itself in so many ways.

Those who oppose Trump also oppose what we believers consider to be godly values. Trump famously once said, “They aren’t against me, they are against you, I’m just in the way.” I believe it. They called Donald Trump a fascist and those of us who support him ‘deplorable,’ ‘nazi’ and this time, ‘garbage.’

As the returns came in, I was glued to my tv watching the vote being counted and listening to the secular analysis. I agreed with much of the conservative commentary I heard, but I kept waiting for anyone to say what I believe: that the spiritual perspective is a key factor and for many voters was the deciding factor.

The one exception I saw of a media pundit considering the spiritual aspect was Lisa Booth on Fox News. She referenced how God saved Donald Trump’s life in order for him to serve as president again. She mentioned how his supporters sang hymns outside his victory party in Florida, and she even quoted Scripture, saying “If God be for us who can be against us.

I believe Trump’s election is a fulfillment of prophecy which I documented in my book “God and Donald Trump.” Ten years before Trump announced his first candidacy, Kim Clement and others said God was going to raise up someone who would not be a praying man when he went into the White House, but would become a man of prayer. In other words, as imperfect as Trump may be by evangelical standards of behavior, God would use him for His purposes.

In 2016, the evangelical vote was a deciding force. When none of the historians seemed to cover this aspect, I felt led to write “God and Donald Trump.” Most prophetic words are not well documented. But in the book I document what was said and it did come true—another aspect the secular pundits ignore.

The prophecy was actually that Trump would be elected twice. So, in 2020, other so-called “prophets” jumped on the bandwagon saying Trump would win that election, too. Yet some of these “prophets” kept saying something miraculous would happen that would put Trump in at the last minute. It was embarrassing to me and I distanced myself from it.

Yet now, Trump has been elected a second time. The prophets I wrote about in 2017 were right, and this time his win is not being challenged because he has won decisively against ridiculous odds—two assassination attempts, two impeachments, numerous frivolous lawsuits, legal maneuvering to keep him off the ballot in some states and more. His election is an answer to prayer of the millions who prayed. It is time to build unity in our nation, now, through these next four years, and the Spirit-led community can lead the way.

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The time between now and the inauguration on Jan. 20, 2025, is a critical time. There are powerful forces who want to keep Trump from taking office though all manner of shenanigans and legal schemes. We must fast, pray and stay in the Word. Remember, when we humble ourselves and repent, the Lord will forgive and heal our land.

There’s so much that must be done. At least now we have a reprieve. And we know that in the same way God spared Trump’s life on July 13, God has spared America on Nov. 5, from an accelerated downward spiral.

But our work is just beginning. It’s more than making America great again. We must work and believe that America can be godly again.

Stephen Strang is founder of Charisma. His recent books, God and Donald Trump” and “Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World” are available on Listen to his podcast, “The Strang Report,” each Tuesday and Thursday on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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