Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Mike Bickle: What End-Times Bible Prophecy Says We Can Expect in the Coming Years

A lot of people are talking about how things in the U.S. and around the world seem to be getting progressively worse. It makes us wonder, Where is all this going? The world may try to figure that out through surveys, political and social leaders’ opinions or perhaps even psychics. But as Christians, we go to the Word of God for the answer to that question.

My good friend Mike Bickle—director of the International House of Prayer and overseer of several ministries and a Bible school—has profound insight into this topic. He and his wife, Diane, have visited my wife, Joy, and me and stayed at our house annually for 30 years now. We often talk about Bible prophecy, the rapture, what’s going to happen during the Tribulation and many other end-times details.

Since Mike is such an avid student of the Word and what it says about the end times, I invited him to join me in the podcast studio to talk about what believers should expect in the coming years.

What sets Mike apart as an end-times scholar is that he takes the Word of God at face value. While many Christians see end-times Bible prophecy as symbolic, Mike believes it’s literal. For instance, one thing I’ve found fascinating about Mike is his insight into Psalm 2, which he sees as a kind of blueprint for believers in this age.

“[In] Psalm 2, which was written by David 3,000 years ago, … David is describing what is happening right now,” Mike told me in our interview. “Particularly in the Western world, … Psalm 2 talked about a time when the kings of the earth would be united together … in their rage against Jesus and to drive the Word of God out of the culture.”

He says that has never happened in full before, but we’re entering a time in history when that scenario is very likely.

Listen to my podcast interview with Mike below to hear what other biblical prophecies he sees coming to pass right now.

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