It doesn’t matter who you are or how big your platform is, if you oppose the anti-God, anti-Christian leftist establishment these days, those who represent it will do everything they can to minimize, or cancel, your voice and the values you stand for. We have seen people like Eric Metaxas, My Pillow’s Mike Lindell and Dr. Stella Immanuel “canceled” for various reasons—most of all defending the truth of Jesus Christ and the Bible, much less the truth of what is really happening in our society.
That is exactly why I have written my latest book, God and Cancel Culture, which is scheduled to publish on Sept. 7. I believe it is the most important book—and the most topical book—I have ever written.
I encourage you to pre-order your copy now on or at You won’t regret it, and you’ll become more informed about how people are being canceled left and right. The ultimate goal, really, is that this godless culture wants to cancel Christianity.
I know that may sound like an extreme opinion, but I make a case for it in the book, and you can decide for yourself.
This evil agenda is also why I began a new podcast earlier this year called God and Cancel Culture, which gives me the opportunity to interview prominent Christian influencers and Christian leaders like Metaxas, Bill Johnson, Mat Staver and others who have definite opinions about this incredible cancer we are facing in America today.
In this new book, I talk about Big Tech, the Bill of Rights, Black Lives Matter, censorship, China, Christianity and the church. I talk about compassion ministry—showing the love of Christ in this very hostile environment. I talk a lot about Communism, which has come back with a vengeance.
There is so much anecdotal information about COVID-19 and how being are being cancelled just because they are saying drugs like hydroxychloroquine are helping people recover from the disease. They kind of shut down the whole world about this new virus, which, by the way, we can thank China for that. They have never been held accountable for what they’ve done, but it’s scary to think they can almost bring the world to its knees by releasing a virus.
I talk about critical race theory and how dangerous it is. I talk about the election, free speech, government overreach, humanism. I talk about intimidation by the left and liberal policies. I discuss Marxism, which is really what Communism is. I talk about a one-world government. I talk about Pentecostals and charismatics and the spiritual aspect of this.
I discuss secularism, social media, socialism, the U.S. Supreme Court. transgenderism and so-called tolerance. The left likes to brag that they are tolerant of these new lifestyles. I can’t get my mind around 72 genders because God created male and female. In this new, strange world, the fact that God created male and female is being overthrown.
So, as you can say, the book is extensive in topical discussion, and we must take each one of them very, very seriously.
There is one thing that is abundantly clear: the people who oppose us stick together. That’s why I and others believe that as the body of Christ, it is imperative that we band together and stand united against the cancel culture. The opposition seems strong, and it seems in many ways that we’re losing.
But we’re not losing, and we have to believe God has plans and purposes way beyond what we can understand. In my book I quote the Scripture, Romans 8:28 (MEV), which says, “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
We have to believe that. And remember the apostle Paul wrote that when the Roman Empire was killing Christians. It’s just hideous what they did, slaughtering them in huge arenas where people were cheering and watching others die. What we face today is nowhere near that, but we’re also facing a lot of things that a few decades ago seemed unthinkable.
It’s time for us to be strong and to take authority in the Spirit. The spiritual things are more real than the things we see with our own eyes; they are spiritually discerned. Unfortunately, the eyes of many people in the world, including some Christians, are blind, and they don’t see it. Many of them don’t put any credence in what the Bible says. They don’t believe in the Holy Spirit. They don’t believe God has a will.
But a lot of Christian leaders out there say that, as bad as it is, this is sparking a revival, an awakening.

Please spread the word about these podcasts, God and Cancel Culture and the Strang Report to your followers on social media. Be sure to subscribe to the Strang Report and God and Cancel Culture on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform for more podcasts to inspire you to experience the power of the Holy Spirit.
And for how you can fight back against cancel culture, make sure to get a copy of my most important book yet, God and Cancel Culture. It releases Sept. 7, the day after Labor Day, wherever fine books are sold. Once again, you can pre-order it at or on Amazon. {eoa}
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