Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

David Barton: Trump Is Most Conservative President in Last Century

Donald Trump might be the most conservative president in the last century. I recently spoke with Christian historian David Barton, who told me Trump has broken the back of political correctness in a way no else has. And in response, the leftist media lambastes him.

Barton is not only a well-respected Christian leader, but he’s also a well-researched historian. During our interview—which you can listen to right here or in this article—he shared historical facts and biblical principles to show why Christians need to stand behind their president right now.

“I credit [Trump] with so many things,” Barton says. “He, more than anyone in my lifetime, has broken the back of political correctness. He kept saying things that the [left] got upset over and he didn’t care. He just kept saying it, and now we’re all cheering and saying, ‘Way to go. I’ve so wanted to say that, and I never felt I could.’ There’s the president saying [these things] and taking a beating, yet his favorability numbers are actually increasing.”

No matter how much the left attacks, Barton says, Trump is committed to doing the right thing. Trump worked hard to place conservatives on the Supreme Court bench, yet Democrats are doing everything they can to impede his progress.

“The Democrats have slowed down the confirmation process so much that it will take 11 years for him to get current nominees confirmed,” Barton says. “We still have some Cabinet-level departments that don’t have undersecretaries in them yet because we can’t get them confirmed. They’re using every trick in the book—particularly Rule 22—to slow down what he said he’s going to do.”

Despite the opposition, Trump keeps pressing forward with his agenda for the nation. Because of that, there are many things Christians can learn from him, Barton says. He warns Christians who place unrealistic and unbiblical standards of leadership on Trump that not even God placed on leaders in the Bible.

“As a Christian evangelical, I’ve been involved in politics a long time,” he says. “If I look at Hebrews 11 and take all the faith heroes that God put out there, I could run a campaign against them and could keep them all from being elected. I could show you that David is not the guy to be your national leader. ‘Ignore the fact that he’s a man after God’s own heart. You don’t know that. He murdered Uriah. He committed adultery with Bathsheba. He can’t keep his own kids in control—look at Absalom, look at Amon, look at Adonijah. He’s so arrogant; he numbered the troops.'”

In the same way, Christians overlook the good Trump has done and focus on all the mistakes he’s made and all the flaws he still struggles with.

“We have created an artificial standard as Christians that God doesn’t even have for His leaders in the Bible,” Barton says. “I have flaws, Trump has flaws, and we can point them out in a self-righteous manner. Or we can look at Hebrews 11 and all these great leaders—and they have some serious flaws. … Give Trump a break. Look at what he’s done. Judge a tree by its fruit, what he’s done for the nation or what he’s done for economics, morality and Israel and so many things the Bible talks about. No one in our lifetime gets as much done for biblically correct things as what he’s done.”

Because of this, Barton says Christians must be willing to support Trump and not allow the left to undermine his conservative agenda any longer. He points out that we don’t have to win every American to our way of thinking—we just need to win more than we have now.

“Regarding the American Revolution, what most people don’t realize is that less than 10% of Americans actually participated in winning our freedom,” he says. “We all sit here and think, Oh, we beat the British. No, just 10% of Americans beat the British. At the time, a fourth of Americans thought we should separate from Great Britain, another fourth thought we should not, and 50% said, ‘I don’t care. Just don’t let it affect me.’ And out of that 25%, not all of them got involved.”

If we could get as little as 10% on board with a biblical agenda for the U.S., we could turn this nation around for the good. I hope you’re willing to be a part of that 10%, and if you are, that you will share this message with your friends and on your social media.

Be sure to listen to my interview with Barton to learn more about what Trump has done for this nation. Listen by clicking here or scrolling to the top of this article.

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