Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025
Cindy deVille

Cindy deVille
If you have been listening to the news or viewing it online over the last few years, or even the last few days, you might think you were watching scenes from a riveting movie about the end times.

We have witnessed unprecedented flooding, hurricanes, and other natural disasters, including the erupting of a volcano that shut down most of Europe’s air travel. We have seen a historic oil spill threatening our coastlines and economic systems; massive earthquakes; tsunamis; wars; severe rioting; political unrest; economic turmoil and terrorists bent on killing masses.

Nations are in an uproar! What in the world is going on? Today I believe God would have me share the following with you for your encouragement.

Since November 2007, God has been speaking to me about terrible things coming on the earth. Some of the things He has showed me seemed so intense and severe that I would hesitate to share them. Yet in the midst of the many things He has spoken and showed, He has made one thing amazingly clear: The church can—and must—be ready for the days ahead!

She must make herself ready by the power of the Holy Spirit—cleansed, purified, ready to rise up and be glorious in the earth, ready to be salt and light in the midst of gross darkness, ready to give an answer. She must know her God, walk very close to Him, and be ready to rescue souls and impact nations.

God is setting the stage and putting the players in place. He’s about to make an entrance for His glory to be revealed for all flesh to see. Get ready! We encourage you again to be like the wise virgins in the Bible, who kept themselves pure and kept oil in their lamps. Let’s keep our hearts yearning for our King and our eyes on Him and on kingdom things, not the things of this world, which are so worthless when compared to the riches of His presence and glory.

We also encourage you to pray and cry out for all the souls that are racing toward eternity. So many need to turn back to Christ, and so many need to be saved. I can’t imagine what it would be like to see all these things coming on the earth and have no hope and no Savior, but only fear and dread. Multitudes will be in the valley of decision, and the church must be ready!

In light of current events, the prophetic words God has given us the last few years are worth reviewing and are available on our Web site at One of the most powerful is “America! America!” You can read it by clicking here.

About the author: Cindy deVille is the co-founder, with
her husband, Darrel, of Shekinah Today Ministries ( She
is a prophetic minister and intercessor who “has a strong desire to see
the church return to her first love.” The deVilles publish an
e-newsletter titled Today’s Prophetic Perspective, in which they share
with the body of Christ what they believe God is showing and saying to
them. They are currently launching the “Pray, America! Pray!” campaign,
which is a national call to repentance and a compassionate cry for our
nation to turn back to God so that we can help usher in a great
visitation. To learn more about it, visit their Web site.

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