Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

We Are in a Season of Net Mending

Mark Pfeiffer

Mark Pfeiffer
Many people are asking in this season, “What is God up to?” We seem to be living in a period of great silence. Believers are searching in vain for something God is doing powerfully in the body of Christ and trying to no avail to hear marching orders from Him for the church.

Do not mistake God’s silence for inactivity!

Here is the prophetic word God recently spoke to me when I asked that question:

“This is a season of net-mending in the body of Christ.”

I’ve reflected on this statement the last few days, and I am convinced it is a word that must be shared. God is moving mightily on the earth! But at the present time, His efforts are largely focused on mending His nets.

We are those nets. We are connected to one another through strategic, covenant relationships. During the last few seasons in the body of Christ, we have been in both great battles and great revivals. The stress of these events has damaged and broken the nets in many places. When you look around at the church today, you can see evidence of the stress: broken lives, broken marriages, broken friendships, broken ministries, broken churches, broken relationships and broken people.

I believe that before the next great move of God, the Lord is going to repair those nets!

Consider how fishing nets are constructed. Each square in the net is connected above, beside and beneath. In the old days, small knots were tied at each connection point. The net was only as strong as its weakest connection. This is why we must allow God to test and strengthen key relationships in this hour.

One of the main points in the prophetic word the Lord gave my wife, Nicki, for 2009 was, “Strengthen key relationships.” During the past two years, God has been strengthening key relationships in our lives so we can form a stronger net to contain the great catch of souls that is coming into the kingdom of God.

Specifically, there are five things that this prophetic word means to you and me.

1. Make sure you allow God to strengthen your family ties during this season.

God wants to strengthen marriages and the bond between parents and children. Also, make sure that you remain in good standing with extended family members as much as possible—especially those in the body of Christ. Make time for each other and deliberately plan family events at which old connections can be renewed.

2. Make sure you are aligned under proper authority.

Don’t be caught without a connection to the portion of the net above you. Submit yourselves to spiritual leaders you can trust—those who will truly look out for your souls. Make sure you are in relationships with leaders who walk in humility but also have great power, vision and purpose.

3. Surround yourself with people who are covenant-keepers.

Now is the time to make sure your friends are people who can make and keep their promises. Set yourself in the midst of committed friends. You need people of great love and integrity who can walk with you so that when the trials of life come, your relationships are not ripped apart by false accusation, jealousy, competition, offense, gossip, bitterness, and so on.

4. Beware of the spirit of offense.

Satan will try to come after your “net connections.” He probably already has! Don’t let yourself get offended with your spiritual leaders. Don’t allow small issues to fester and become infected through bitterness and unforgiveness. Beware of the enemy’s devices that will bring division and offense between you and others in the church. This is all part of his ploy to further weaken the nets that God wants to strengthen.

5. Do not get bored or impatient in this season and check out of the army of God.

As God is silently mending His nets for the next great catch, you must not allow yourself to get bored and stray from your assignment. Don’t let yourself wander off into something new unless God is specifically directing it. Presumptions about the will of God will get you into trouble. The enemy will try to lure you into some other activity if you let your mind get sidetracked and don’t stay focused on your last marching orders.

About the author: Mark Pfeifer is the founder and senior pastor of Open Door Christian Fellowship in Chillicothe, Ohio, a church he planted in 1991. He is also the lead apostle of the Soma Family of Ministries, a position he has held since 2003. He has founded and oversees several schools that are now a part of the Wagner Leadership Institute, for which he is a regional chancellor. Mark has authored several books, including his most recent, Change Agents. To order a copy of this book, click here. For more information about his ministry, go to markandnicki.com.

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