Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025

Prophetic Insight: The Lighthouses and the Lost

On the most eastern point of the Australian shoreline is a lighthouse. The Cape Byron Lighthouse sits 94 meters above sea level but is only 22 meters tall as it was built on a large rocky outcrop. There was no need for the lighthouse to be a towering structure because the rock on which it sits ensures the vantage point that allows it to fulfil its purpose. It shines a light into the darkness so that travelers can safely navigate the shoreline in safety.

Recently as I was praying, I had a picture of a storm at sea. It was black; the waves were beating upon themselves, and the wind was howling, driving the rain so that it was almost horizontal. As I watched, I saw lighthouses begin to be raised up out of the water and sit up high above the waves, their foundation was on the rock. Their lights were shining so brightly in the darkness of the storm. They were immovable due to the foundation they stood on. Although the waves crashed and the wind blew, it had no effect on the lighthouses because they were structurally sound and built to withstand the conditions.

The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about the lighthouses. These are people who have grounded themselves in God—the rock, just as the passage says in Matthew 7:24-27. They have heard the words of Jesus and put their faith in Him. They have stood immovable during the storms of recent times and refused to move from their rock. By taking this position and partnering with the Word of God, they have become stronger, and God’s light is beginning to shine from them in a powerful way.

I then noticed that amongst the waves were boats. They looked like lifeboats, and they were carrying people. The people inside were scared and lost. In the middle of storms, navigating a clear path can be impossible. They were being tossed back and forward in the storm. The lost boats were headed for the lighthouses. They were a source of light and a place where the boats could anchor themselves during the storm for safety.

The Holy Spirit wants to encourage those who have placed themselves on the rock of God’s Word over recent times. You may have had days where you felt overwhelmed. You have possibly believed you could not weather another storm. But the Spirit is saying that you have been strengthened during this time, and His light has been building and burning within you for such a time as now.

You have been equipped to be a lighthouse for the lost. All that you need to do is begin to shine His light around you. You will begin to see the lost approach, looking for safety and refuge from the storm. They will sense the peace you hold amid the chaos of their world; you will shine bright His presence, and you will lead them home safely.

Don’t doubt the good work He has begun in you, even if at times you have felt as isolated or solitary as a lighthouse. This time has brought about a purpose you may not have even known would be possible. It is times of trusting God in the impossible that all things are made possible.

“So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that your commendable works will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). {eoa}

Charissa Steffens is a writer and teacher with a passion for the prophetic and scripture. Through her ministry Abiding Matters she loves to see people come closer to Father God. She hosts the podcast Abiding Matter with Charissa Steffens on Charisma Podcast Network and writes for various online Christian publications. To contact Charissa or learn more visit Abiding Matters.

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