Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Draining the Swamp in the Prophetic

In prayer, the Lord spoke to me and said that He is purifying the prophetic wells and rivers. The Holy Spirit is bringing a deep cleaning and exfoliating anointing to that which is dry and ineffective in the prophetic ministry. I kept seeing a vision of a body of water that appeared on the surface to be refreshing, swimmable and full of life but as I approached it more closely it was actually as swap.

The appearance of this wetland type of swap seem to be thriving due to trees surrounding it but God was showing me a picture of the contamination in the prophetic flow caused by false prophets and voices. He was calling His prophets today and those who are operating in the prophetic gift to get back to the foundational, biblical standard that God has set this ministry and building gift in the body of Christ.

The body of water I saw was a picture of the body of prophetic leaders who were entrusted to keep the prophetic river, wells and lakes untainted, uncontaminated and unpolluted. The rivers, wells and lakes in the prophetic flow have become an unproductive and spiritual infectious environment. The prophets are to keep the integrity and function in the prophetic ministry, gift and office operative as the Lord has established it. The prophetic today in some streams and circles has been used for propaganda, merchandising, to prostitute for personal gains and for monetary advancements.

The purpose of the gift of prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14:3 says, But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification and exhortation and comfort.” In the New Testament church, we as prophetic people are not called to bring negative words, curses, call fire down upon people and use the gift of prophesying as a way to manipulate, interrogate and intimidate. The gift has been mishandled, abused and distorted by those who lack true understanding of the purpose of this supernatural gift. We must understand that the prophetic is God’s idea and not man’s. Office prophets today have a greater responsibility than those who just operates in the gift of prophecy.

In addition, the prophets are for today and still exist. Why? Because God set them in the church in the New Testament, and God is still speaking through the Holy Spirit by men and women of God. We don’t replace the Holy Spirit for prophets, nor do we substitute the prophets over the Holy Spirit. The prophets’ job is to point people back to the Lord and to establish them in present truth in God’s Word. The enemy is trying to pervert and prostitute the prophetic in such a way to cause spiritual genocide. He comes to kill, steal and destroy those who belong to the Lord. There is life in the prophetic river and flow of God’s Spirit.

There are churches and ministry today that doesn’t believe in the prophetic, and they have become stagnant wetlands. God is raising up prophets of honor. Non-prophet churches and ministries will be absence of the true Holy Spirit-filled flow of God’s Spirit and prophetic voice. God is removing many for-profits (prophets) who are contaminating the prophetic gift. In John 7:38 NIV, says, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.” God wants to bring back the purity, righteousness and honor to this sacred office and ministry. What is coming out of the mouth of the prophets will determine if there is a river or a swamp flowing.

The Bible shares that it’s not what goes in a man that defiles him, but what comes out (Matt.15:11). God wants to purify the wells of the prophetic. The Lord told me He is draining the swamp in the prophetic. What is a swamp? Swamps are characterized by slow-moving to stagnant waters that are forested. They are usually associated with adjacent rivers or lakes. They have a reputation for being unproductive, land that cannot easily be utilized for human activities. The Lord is draining and removing unnecessary toxic buildup in the prophetic that has caused spiritual stagnation and limitation in the overall plan for revival in the lives of God’s people.

Historically, humans have drained swamps to provide additional land for agriculture and to reduce the threat of diseases borne by swamp insects and similar animals. The prophetic waters, rivers and wells have become swamp wetlands due to infectious false prophets or prophetic representatives. True repentance by the false and the commissioning of authentic prophets and spirit-filled prophetic believers who have been thoroughly equipped, educated, trained and covered by season prophets, apostles/senior leaders will purify the prophetic again.

God is going to use true prophets today as He used Elisha in 2 Kings 2:18-22 to supernaturally drain and heal the waters with salt. They will have an anointing to cleanse and detox with truth, love and the power of God.

2 Kings 2:18-22 The Message (MSG)

Finally, they returned to Elisha in Jericho. He told them, “So there—didn’t I tell you?’ One day the men of the city said to Elisha,’You can see for yourself, master, how well our city is located. But the water is polluted and nothing grows.’ He said, ‘Bring me a brand-new bowl and put some salt in it.’They brought it to him. He then went to the spring, sprinkled the salt into it, and proclaimed, “God’s word: I’ve healed this water. It will no longer kill you or poison your land.” And sure enough, the water was healed—and remains so to this day, just as Elisha said.”

God is draining the swamp in the prophetic to bring healing, deliverance, new life and miracles to those who have been stuck in religion, hindered by their past, abused by those in positions of authority, neglected, manipulated and controlled by false prophets and leaders.

Dr. Hakeem Collins is an empowerment specialist, respected emerging prophetic voice, apostolic leader, governmental minister, life coach and sought-after conference speaker. He is known for his keen accurate prophetic gifting and supernatural ministry. Follow him on: and

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