Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Prophetic Word: God’s Lionesses Will Roar in the Face of the Enemy

This word has been burning in my spirit for the past couple of weeks. The Lord initially gave me a prophetic word regarding the mouth (pey) before the start of this year.

As we go through the third month of 2020, He’s been emphasizing and highlighting the word “roar.” Roar, as defined in the dictionary, means to “laugh loudly.”

This is the season that both lions (men) and lionesses (women) will begin to laugh in the face of the enemy! The devil will disclose his plans for their demise, and they will simply roar in his face with power and authority. This roar will confound and confuse Satan, because last year, their response was to worry, become depressed or cry. He will be at a loss because what he used on people in 2019 won’t work in 2020! Glory to God!

As the Lord highlighted the word “roar,” he accentuated the word “lioness.” This caused me to study this animal in relation to the revelation God had given. I learned that lionesses are the primary providers for their prides (group). They are the ones who do the majority of the hunting and bring back food for the pride. They hunt in packs, with stealth, cunning and purpose.

Many times, the head of the pride (the lion) relaxes and enjoys the fruit of the lionesses’ labor. This is the season where the lioness (women) will come to the forefront.

Lionesses, 2020 Is Your Year

The Lord is calling out to His lionesses in this season! He’s calling you to prophesy, pray, worship, minister and intercede on an entirely different level. Women of God who used to sit in the back of the church will move to the front.

This is symbolic of them transitioning to another realm of glory and responsibility! Lionesses, your preparation over the years has paid off, and it’s truly your time to roar in 2020.

As previously stated, one definition of roar is “to laugh loudly.” The devil will try to come at you, desiring to dampen or reduce the volume of your roar. He’ll attempt this by attacking those around you to get to you. It won’t work this time!

Why? Because there’s power in your roar (laugh). It’s time to roar loudly at the enemy, especially when he tells you his evil plans for your life. Roar when he tells you all the demonic things he’s going to do to your family. When you do this in faith, all the steam goes out of his balloon! He won’t know what to do with you. Lionesses, arise! It’s your year, now more than ever.

It’s Your Season to Roar

Let the lions and lioness roar this year! A lion’s roar can be heard for miles away. When you roar, Satan hears it and trembles.

In Scripture, the devil walks about as a roaring lion, but he can never truly be one (1 Pet. 5:8). You are the lions and lionesses of the Lion of the tribe of Judah! Roar! Go after the enemy, instead of waiting for him to come after you!. Roar after him! Psalm 104:21 tells us that “The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their food from God.”

The Roaring ’20s
Here, I want to us to comprehend meaning, biblically, of the number 20. Let’s briefly look at an era in history referred to as the Roaring ’20s.

“It was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States and Europe , particularly in major cities such as Berlin,[1] Chicago,[2] London,[3] Los Angeles,[4] New York City,[5] Paris,[6] and Sydney. In France, the decade was known as the “années folles” (‘crazy years’).” (Source:

A Crazy Year

I truly believe that somebody reading this right now is about to have an absolutely crazy year! By “crazy,” I mean good, anointed and prosperous! In fact, I decree that the Lord will supply you with His suddenlies (unexpected blessings and breakthroughs) in this season. In fact, I declare that the next 10 years will be années folles for you! But it’s is contingent on your roar. Not only the loudness of that roar, but the consistency of it. Can you still laugh when going through immensely trying times? Your roar must combine with your faith in order to make it through.

The Perfect Waiting Period

The biblical meaning of the number 20 is “a complete or perfect waiting period.” I believe that the things that you have waited for will manifest this year. What you saw in your spirit last year will happen this year, based on what you allow to come out of your mouth. In fact, you will receive double for your trouble, a double portion so to speak!

From the age of 19 until now, I’ve seen the number 220 everywhere, almost every day! It’s even on my license plate right now! It wasn’t planned or purposed. I believe it’s the number the Lord has assigned to my destiny. A minister friend of mine in college told me that it would be the number to the room of my deathbed if I didn’t get saved. Thank God, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior! For years, I was cautious about being associated with any variation of the number. As the years passed, I studied the number and decided that maybe 220 is a good thing.

I really believe that this year is special. I’m sure some naysayers will comment otherwise, but I’m of the opinion that your year will be as great as the words (or the roar) that you produce. In other words, our blessings will raise to the level of our confessions or decrees by faith, in Jesus’ name.

20: The Complete and Perfect Waiting Period

For 20 years, Jacob waited to get possession of his wives and property, and to be freed from the control of Laban, his father-in-law (Gen. 31:38-41). This ‘perfect’ waiting period caused Jacob to receive double, Leah and Rachael.

For 20 years, the children of Israel waited to be freed of Jabin, king of Canaan, who oppressed them. God response was to raise up Deborah and Barak, who freed the people from bondage (Judg. 4-5). The children of Israel’s complete 20-year waiting period resulted in them procuring their freedom.

Solomon spent seven years building the house of God in Jerusalem and another 13 building his own home, for a total number of 20 years. After he had completed both buildings, he gave Hiram, the king of Tyre, 20 cities in the land of Galilee (1 Kings 9:10-11). Remember, victory comes after building!

Roar Together

“They shall roar together like young lions; they will growl as lions’ whelps” (Jer. 51:38).

I’m of the mindset that not only will you roar, but you will roar as sons and daughters of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Being a child of the Most High provides you with the power, authority and jurisdiction to restrain all the limited powers of the devil.

Use the power of the blood of Jesus to come against the strategies of the evil one. Roar, even when you feel like crying! Have the God-kind of courage to laugh loudly when all hell has broken loose in your life. You’ve already won. Roar not only this year, but throughout this decade! {eoa}

Dr. John Veal is the senior pastor/prophet of Enduring Faith Christian Center and the CEO of John Veal Ministries, Inc. He is passionate about pursuing God’s mandate to preach, teach, impart and activate people within the prophetic. John is a regular contributor to Charisma magazine Online, The Elijah List, IMAG, Spirit Fuel, Reformation Today and others. John has been featured on various media outlets, including an upcoming episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural and Elijah Streams. Dr. Veal is a highly sought-after conference speaker due to his uncanny prophetic accuracy, humor, candor and unconventional preaching style. He has traveled the nations, presenting a myriad of prophetic training and ministry. John currently resides in Chicago, Illinois, with his wife, Elisa, and their three children. For more about Dr. Veal, visit

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