Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025

Prophetic Word: Dead Bones Must Rise Again

The Spirit of the living God would say to you this day,

Dead bones must rise again! Shake off the sleep and the slumber. Press toward the mark of our high calling. Unleash the resurrection power of My Spirit within you. No longer be timid and shy. You have entered into a time when there is no turning back for My beloved—My church.

I have empowered you for this time, this day and this moment. No longer will you remain silent as the world passes away. I have given you a voice; it is time to lift it up and use it for My glory.

Reject the lukewarm waters that are trying to consume you. Refresh yourself with the coolness of My Spirit. And as you quickly refresh, for the time is ever so short, allow the living water within you to heat up until it boils over to all those around you. You have no time to lap in the vomit of passiveness.

That same Spirit that raised Me, the living Christ, from the dead lives within you and is warming up the dead bones—and as you surrender to this life-giving power of Mine, those dead bones will come back to life again.

I am the one whom you want to reach out and touch. And as you do—I will be there to meet you with all power in this last hour. It is time for My people who are called by My name to rise up in the power of My might.

And what is my name? I Am the great I Am. I Am the Messiah—the one true Savior of this world. I bled and died for you because of My great passion for you. You are created in My image, and I am passionate about My Father. And I am passionate for My beloved bride—the church. And you are created to be passionate about Me and My Father.

Although the attacks are strong, My Spirit within you is even stronger. Rise up! Leave that fear behind you. Take courage in knowing that you do not fight this battle alone, for I fight for you. This battle belongs to Me, and you are My mighty warrior destined to conquer, not be conquered.

I call forth the dead bones within the body to rise up with My power as your strength. I call forth a refreshing to the new person within you. I command you to forsake the past, no longer look back with longing for what once was, but stand for hope of My soon return.

Be not afraid in these last days but be strong and courageous. Know that your faith is your shield. And My Word is your sword. The end is predetermined—and you are created to win.

All creation is ready, and the heavens and the earth are beckoning Me to raise up the church in this great hour. I have created you to release My power among the lost inhabitants of this earth. For it is passing away, and it must for My new heaven and the new earth to manifest. Release the kingdom of God on this earth. It’s time; position yourself with My Spirit.

All hell is about to break out. You think, It’s time to run and hide. And I say, “No! it’s not time to run and hide. It’s time for My beloved bride—my church—to allow My resurrection power of life to cause those dead bones to arise.”

Surrender your spirit, soul and body unto Me—allow Me to fight through you.

Thus says the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. {eoa}

This article originally appeared at

This excerpt is a prophetic word taken from The Waves of Healing Glory, chapter 11, “The Church is Breaking Out!”

Becky Dvorak is a dynamic preacher of the gospel, healing evangelist, prophetess to the nations, Destiny Image author and host of the powerful teaching program, Empowered for Healing and Miracles, featured globally on the It’s Supernatural! Network on ISN. She conducts healing services, seminars and conferences globally.

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