Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Brace for the Impact of My Favor, America’

While spending a little time in the Word recently, without going there intentionally, I found myself in the book of Numbers. It was Numbers Chapter 23—the story of Balaam, who was hired by Moab’s King Balak to curse Israel.

Significant Prayer Always Changes Everything

In the past few weeks, we’ve been hearing a number of prophetic words of warning and judgment and in response, we’ve heard significant calls to prayer for protection for America and our November elections. When I read some of Balaam’s statements, I felt God was saying that they also applied to America and consequently, to the church around the world.

We know that satanists and various members of occult groups around the world have been trying to curse America and our president. They want to create chaos and civil war. God has allowed the enemy some space to do his evil work with the purpose of awakening His church, but as with Job, He set limits.

America May Deserve Judgment, but Instead, It’s ‘God Shed His Grace on Thee’

In their journey through the wilderness, Israel failed many tests and suffered serious disciplinary consequences, but God continued to lead them and protect them from their enemies. In like manner, America has suffered serious consequences for failing many tests of faithfulness to God. Make no mistake, America deserves severe discipline for her sins including abortion, racism, moral perversion and so forth, but more than anything, for the sin of forsaking her knowledge of God as talked about in Romans 1 and replacing the respect for her Creator with the theory of evolution and atheism.

But I totally believe, like Israel, America has a special covenant with God that is protecting her from those who wish to curse her and destroy her. God raised up America for a purpose which she has yet to completely fulfill.

On Nov. 11, 1620, the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact, which was a covenant with God and each other. This covenant may not be talked about much in our public school classrooms, but it is extremely significant to God and His people. We were just reminded that the Pilgrims sailed from Great Britain in September 1620. We will commemorate the 400 year anniversary of these historic events this fall. Both these dates are extremely significant and should be widely celebrated.

Scriptures That Will Leave You Encouraged

With these facts in mind, let me share some Scriptures to encourage you and give you hope.

—Numbers 23:8a, “How shall I curse whom God has not cursed?”

God has not cursed America either. He has chastened her as a loving Father.

—Numbers 23:19-20, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He spoken, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? See, I have received a commandment to bless, and He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.”

God has spoken many blessings over America. He has heard the singing of “God Bless America” throughout the history of our country and has responded to our voices crying out for His favor.

—Numbers 23:23a, “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, nor is there any divination against Israel.”

And there is no enchantment or divination against America that will be permitted by God in heaven.

—Numbers 24:9b, “Blessed is he who blesses you, and cursed is he who curses you.”

This verse tells me that God will bless our president because he has truly blessed Israel like very few others. It also confirms that those who curse him will find their curses boomeranging back on themselves.

To get the bigger picture, please read these chapters for yourself.

Finally, I again acknowledge that America’s sins deserve God’s judgment, but because His people who are called by His name are beginning to humbly pray, seek His face and repent of their sins and their nation’s sins, I believe that God’s mercy will triumph over His judgment, and He will give us grace to get through our trials.

Ultimately, our president will be reelected, and the greatest awakening ever will sweep over the world. God’s glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Great and incredible signs and wonders, along with divinely revealed technologies, will reveal God’s love and power to the world. He will have His harvest of sons and daughters. Jesus will have His bride and the Holy Spirit will have a holy temple in which to dwell.

“I Will Intervene in Response to Your Prayers”

And now I feel the Holy Spirit moving in me to write this message from Jesus to His church:

“Look not at the statistics presented to you by those with the platform of communication. They wish to bring you into fear and trepidation. Look instead at Me for your source of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. What I gave to Solomon, I am now giving to many members of My body who have been seeking Me, worshipping Me and interceding for their land according to My Word.

“I will show you what to do when you need to know. I will even share My secret plans with you that will take the world by surprise. My enemy has still more strategic attacks to launch against My beloved people around the world and in the cities and in the countryside of America. But every attack will increasingly weaken his own position, and these attacks will boomerang on his own head. I will intervene in response to your prayers and will fulfill My own purposes in the coming elections and in the American culture and mission.

“You are not alone, people of God. You have not been forgotten by your Father in heaven. He will surely delight you with the most pleasant surprises, visiting you with His glory in unprecedented ways.

“Have you seen the numbers 3-3-3 recently? I will fulfill Jeremiah 33:3 and do things you’ve never seen before. You won’t need to look back on old revivals anymore. You will be overwhelmed with My goodness, My power and My majesty. It will be like a beautiful dream, and you will pinch yourself to prove it is real. Don’t doubt. Look up to Me, the author and finisher of your faith. What I have spoken I will do. I will not lie or deceive you.

“Rest in Me, but remain vigilant to listen to My voice. I will lead you and guide you. I love you too much and I’ve invested too much into you to desert you now. Be faithful and true, and your reward will be far greater than your sacrifice. Shalom!” {eoa}

Ben and Brenda Peters have said “Yes” to the call of God to challenge, equip and send dedicated lovers of Jesus into the harvest fields of the earth, including the seven mountains of society. Together they have ministered to tens of thousands of individuals in several countries around the world. After establishing and serving churches and Christian schools for almost 30 years, they began a traveling ministry under the name Open Heart Ministries. More recently, they also founded an Illinois-based ministry called Kingdom Sending Center.

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