Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Prophecy: The Lord Is Removing Flies in the Prophetic Oil

I was in Detroit, Michigan, as an invited guest on the Word Network show: “Power of Prophecy” with Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, and while on air, I was asked what the Lord was speaking to me concerning the prophetic in the body of Christ. As I was releasing the word of the Lord, I saw flies and maggots in the spirit that was in the ointment.

The Lord spoke to me that He was removing and cleaning the toxic and contamination that is in the prophetic oil caused by leaders who has yielded themselves to unhealthy and useless activities. The Holy Spirit reveal to me that there were maggots and flies in the oil of the prophetic streams. The Lord instantly took me to the passage of Scriptures in Ecclesiastes 10:1:

(ESV) “Dead flies make the perfumer’s ointment give off a stench; so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor.”

(NASB) “Dead flies make a perfumer’s oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor.”

We can see that there were dead flies in the ointment, oil and perfume. There is a stench in the prophetic oil that has come up before the Lord. I can remember a time when I was younger, and my mother would have me take out the trash and bring it to the curb for the garage trucks to pick it up in the morning. While taking out the trash, I would smell a foul and pungent smell that caught my attention. It was an odor that indicated that something had died or had been dead.

To my surprise, when I looked at the bottom of the trash can after removing the trash bags, I would see maggots at its bottom surface. God began to speak to me that there is an odor of death that is indicating a part of His body is decaying, decapitating and dying that shouldn’t be. God wants a sweet aroma of His presence that brings life and refreshment. Not an odor of the absence of His presence. In the passage of Scripture, it speaks of dead flies that caused the ointment or perfumer’s oil to smell, stink and release an odor and not a sweet aroma.

The text goes on to say that a little folly or foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor. There is an underlining attack, slander, abuse, dishonor, discredit that is happening, all in the name of the prophetic. There are leaders in the body of Christ in certain circles and streams who are using the prophetic gift to cut down what God is building and establishing in the lives of His people. These leaders are using “thus saith the Lord” as a way to validate and justify their folly or foolishness to bring division, dissension, strife, dishonor and malice in the body of Christ.

I love what Ephesians 4:29 (MEV) says: “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only that which is good for building up, that it may give grace to the listeners.” Utilizing social media posts, blogs and articles as a vehicle of subliminal attacks of revenge on your brothers and sisters because you may disagree with them or have a different view or perceptive than they do is not Christlike. God was showing me that dishonor, foolishness, prophetic assaults against each other in the body of Christ and using God’s Word as a weapon is not the way of Christ.

We see that these types of behaviors should not be in the body of Christ. Using prophecy that is meant to build up, edify, encourage and comfort the believer is being use as a weapon of warfare against one another is pure charismatic witchcraft and anti-Christ nature. There is a plethora of leaders over organizations, tribes, affiliations and churches who are using their platforms and influence to do such a thing, and this is not the nature of Christ and purpose of prophecy.

We are to love each as Christ loves us. God spoke to me that He is removing the maggots of strife, division, jealousy, envy, gossip, slander, witchcraft and dissension. Leaders who operate in such ungodly and unproductive behavior must repent. Your brothers and sisters in Christ are not the enemy. The prophetic gift should never be mishandled or used to bring dishonor and fear. We must understand that it is dead flies that caused the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking smell; so does a little folly harm one who has a reputation for wisdom and honor.

There are ministry leaders that have a stench in their oil because of the small things that go unnoticed that cause a big wedge in the kingdom. The Bible says in Galatians 5:8-9: “This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you. A little yeast leavens the whole batch.” God wants holy oil being released in His body. Dishonor and folly brings the flies. In other words, when competition, division, malice, gossip, slander and such worldly activities are found within our camp, tribe, churches, ministries, and life it attracts dead things, and causes the presence of God to depart.

Exodus 30:25 declares, “And you must make with it a holy anointing oil, a perfumed compound, the work of a perfumer. It will be a holy anointing oil.”

God is raising up holy leaders with holy oil that will blend and mix with other holy and oily leaders, and together, there will be a sweet synergy of the aroma of God’s anointing flowing. Leaders must be careful with the oil God sends to them. Don’t contaminate them with dishonor and foolishness. Honor and wisdom release the fragrance of Christ that will bring healing, deliverance, revival and breakthrough. Dishonor and foolishness release the odor of death. There is a refreshing coming to the prophetic oil again! {eoa}

Dr. Hakeem Collins is an empowerment specialist, respected emerging prophetic voice, apostolic leader, governmental minister, life coach and sought-after conference speaker. He is known for his keen accurate prophetic gifting and supernatural ministry. Follow him on: and

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