Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: Our Faith Must Rest in God’s Heart and Character

In times like these, when darkness seems to be encroaching ever closer to our own front doors, we might wonder, is God really listening?

Does He see what is happening, and will He take action on our behalf? What is heaven doing right now?

The Lord’s Pronouncement Is Sure

I just received a word from a leader and prophetic intercessor in Texas, Chip Payne, who was awakened two days ago hearing the words “Micah 2—go read Micah 2.” He felt the Lord wanted His people to know His intention toward those who were “practicing rebellion and ardently working against the Lord—and knew it.”

This was not directed toward those who are caught in the middle or unknowingly siding with evil, but those who have deliberately set their hearts against the Lord.

“Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! At morning’s light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it. They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud people of their homes; they rob them of their inheritance. Therefore, the Lord says: “I am planning disaster against this people, from which you cannot save yourselves. You will no longer walk proudly, for it will be a time of calamity” (Mic. 2: 1-3, NIV).

Chip says, “When the Lord brought this passage to attention, it was in the context of His pronouncement against those who are in active rebellion against Him, willfully partnering with this spirit in order to obtain power and control. The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and rich in mercy, but He also is for loosing the bonds of injustice and removing the straps of the oppressor (see Isa. 58). This word was not only a declaration from the court of the Lord that this is a settled matter; it was also from the heart of encouragement to His bride that He is aware; He has heard; and He is responding.

Chip also shared that the Lord gave him Psalm 67 and 68 as exhortations to exalt and rejoice in the Lord. “He is faithful! He is good! He is just! He listens to His children! When we become discouraged by circumstances, it is because our circumstances have captured our attention more than who He is. Let’s move the eyes of our hearts back to the truth of His character and start exalting and rejoicing now!”

We Must Keep Our Eyes Properly Fixed

In consultation with Lora Allison, an international prophet and minister, she adds, “It is so vital in this hour that we not allow the inflammatory words flying so thickly to be a hook into our hearts and our emotions. Otherwise, they will draw us into the anger, hatred, division and violence that is the intention of the enemy. As we cleave to the nature and character of our God in walking out this challenging situation, we will live in the Spirit and intercede from heaven to earth. We must partner with the Lord and look at the things which are not seen, for they are eternal. We must continually fix our gaze upon Him, and great peace will always be the result.”

Our Faith Must Rest in His Heart and Character

Wanda: The Lord’s pronouncement upon His enemies is sure, and His justice is always on time. Even so, our faith is being tested. Our faith cannot rest in a desired outcome or even a prophetic word fulfilled. The Lord wants our faith to rest securely in him alone. We must know His heart and character above all else and not debate “when” or “how” He is going to respond. We must simply know that He is—not because it has been prophesied—but because we know Him. We know His heart for His people. We know His compassion for the poor and weak. We know His truth and justice that always prevails. We know He is good, and any temporary setback only serves an eternal glory that far outweighs any current trouble (see Phil. 3:8-11).

The enemy will continue to do all he can to discourage us through delays, distractions and destructive schemes. Regardless of the dark clouds that hover, God is a just God and never wavers in His plans for our good. Now is not the time to doubt God’s Word or cave in to fear. We must know in whom we have believed and trust that He will finish what He has started. He alone knows all that is taking place and we can trust Him—simply because we know who He is.

“‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty!'” (Rev. 1:8). {eoa}

Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and writes for several national online publications. She is also a speaker and the author of five books including Prayer That Sparks National Revival and Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God. Follow her blog at

Chip Payne has served on the boards of organizations that span both local and international scope. He served for over 13 years as senior associate pastor and the vice president and elder of a local church in Richmond, Virginia. In addition, Chip is a prophetic revivalist.

Lora Allison is an author, teacher and prophetic minister. Founder and president of Celebration Ministries, Lora has ministered in over 35 nations, serving in Bible Schools, churches and conferences as well as teaching extensively across the United States. Lora also co-founded and serves as president of Great Host Ministries International, a unique ministry serving to strengthen and unite women serving in leadership positions in the body of Christ.

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