Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Prophecy: It’s Time to Walk Out the Prophetic Words God Has Spoken Over Your Life

Recently, God gave me a very powerful, challenging and encouraging word for the body of Christ. The word can be broken down into four parts: God wants us to step out, step up, step on and then finish the season and task at hand. This word is so strong in my spirit. I know the Lord spoke this word to release, challenge and encourage the body of Christ.

Just like Peter, this is the season that many people need to step out of their comfort zone and the normality of life. Peter had to leave the boat where everyone was to get closer to Jesus. When you are on a body of water, especially in a storm, the safest natural place to be is in a boat. But when Jesus says, “Come,” you will be compelled to step out of what seems comfortable and safe for you. As soon as Peter stepped out of the boat, he had to step out onto the word of Jesus. Whenever you have your stepping out moment, step out onto the words God has spoken over your life. When God calls us to Himself, He wants us to walk deeper with Him. Any step towards God is a step in the right direction. As James reminds us, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8).

Once you step out and start walking out the prophetic words God has spoken over your life, you begin an incredible, life-altering journey with the Lord. Once you have stepped out, then you step up into a new season of your life. God is raising and elevating new people to higher levels of business and ministry. God is elevating His children like never before. Increase in favor and blessing is coming to many. God has called us to step out, of the normality of life to receive a greater revelation from Him and deeper wisdom to step up higher in this new season. God has an amazing plan to elevate us to a place where He can use our life, gifts and calling for His purpose and the kingdom of God.

While Peter was on the journey from the boat to Jesus he started to sink. He was right in the middle between the other disciples, which can mean the crowd, and Jesus. Jesus was looking at Peter wanting him to draw closer, to show him that he was able to do everything that Jesus was going to do. Behind Peter, some of the disciples were probably saying things like, “The wind is blowing hard and the waves are getting high. Do you think he can make it much longer?” The same is true with us. When we step out into a new adventure or journey with God, so many people will say negative and doubting things. But if we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will continue the journey, taking each step on the Word of God. When Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, He took his eyes off of the supernatural. When God calls you to do something supernatural, you can never look at the natural or listen to naturally minded people. If you look at things in the natural, you will not be able to accomplish the supernatural, perfect plan that God has for your life.

I received the last part of this word early one morning. The Lord said, “I want my children to become finishers in this season.” I need them to finish the task, purpose and plan I have spoken over their life and finish it well. So I can launch them out into the new season that I have for them. When they finish well, they can hit their mark in the new season.” Many times, people pray for God to increase their life in so many different areas. Many expect more prophetic words or more from God when He is simply asking us to finish the season that we’re in so He can launch us out into the new season. I encourage you today, my friends, step out, step up and step on. Finish well so that you can step into all that God has for you!. {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival center and House of Prayer. Pastor Dawson also serves as staff evangelist for First Assembly of God in Texarkana, Texas, where he also is now the Tribe College/young adult pastor. Burn Texarkana has one revival/awakening service per month at First Assembly and also has Burn on the Road meetings in neighboring cites monthly. There are four Burn Texarkana prayer meetings each week. He also serves on the leadership team of New Breed Revivalists Network.

This article originally appeared at

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