Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Prophecy: God Is Unlocking New Mantles—And New Marching Orders

God began to speak to me concerning this new month of March. As I was in prayer and reflecting on the passing of Billy Graham, God stated that mantles are falling and there is a generation that will be catching them. When Elijah was caught up in a whirlwind and separated from his spiritual son, protégé and mentee Elisha—a mantle fell. This represented the passing of the baton and new responsibility that the young prophet will undertake as Elijah’s successor. I saw various kinds of mantles falling from heaven to the earth that will bring revival, radical change and the glory of the Lord to the seven sectors of society. God was declaring that this is a new season that will bring about new mantles that is being activated and recalibrated in His people.

These new mantles will be unlocked and unleashed to grace the wearer with supernatural ability by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the call, assignment and sphere of activity on their lives. These mantles I saw was “mantles of glory.” What is a mantle biblically? There are many variations of the meaning of “mantle” in the Word of God, but the primary concept is that of a covering such as a cloak, rug, robe, tunic or other piece of article of clothing. The New American Standard Bible uses the word “mantle” in Hebrews 1:12 and Joshua 7:21. In a previous passage the word “mantle” in the English Standard Version translates the word as “cloak” and, in the latter, “robe.”

In biblical times, a mantle was described as a large, loosely fitting garment worn by prophets made of animal skin, typically sheepskin. John the Baptist wore a mantle so to speak made out of camel’s hair. Throughout the Bible there are people who are mentioned of wearing a mantle, including Job (Job 1:20) and Ezra (Ezra 9:5). Mantles is a biblical concept and represents authority, influence, power, affluence, the office that a person occupies and a person’s particular anointing. A mantle symbolically represents the Holy Spirit blanketing a person like a canvas.

Prophets were especially known for wearing mantles as a sign of their calling from God (1 Kings 19:13). The prophet Samuel wore a mantle (1 Sam. 15:27). Joseph the dreamer wore a mantle (coat) of many colors given by his father (see Gen. 37). The prophet Elijah “threw his cloak around Elisha” as a representation and declaration of Elijah’s ministry being passed on to Elisha. A prophet’s mantle symbolizes his/her authority and responsibility as God’s chosen spokesman/spokeswomen (2 Kings 2:8). Elisha was not confused as to what Elijah was doing; the putting on of his mantle made his prophetic calling and election clear.

Prophets, kings and priest wore mantles of distinctions. The mantle can be viewed as a symbol of the anointing of the Holy Spirit whom God so graciously gives to all Spirit-filled believers, the people of His choice (1 Thess. 1:5–6; 1 Peter 2:9). We have entered into a new month of March, and God spoke to me that with the mantle that He is releasing and dropping upon His people will come with new marching orders. God is speaking prophetically that it’s your season to march forward into destiny!

The Holy Spirit will be disclosing specific things concerning your purpose and destiny in divine details. While entering into this new year, there have been some resistance and setbacks, but the Lord, who is the commander in chief of the armies of God, is unleashing angels and supernatural resources, provision, assistance, finances and favor to help you fulfill your prophecy, dream and vision. March will be a month of divine marching commands from heaven. Get ready to receive divine directives by the Holy Spirit concerning what you are to do in the next in this now season. Heaven is the command center via the Holy Spirit intelligence that is giving new instructions to God’s people.

Your marching orders must come from someone in a position of authority who can delegate those orders to those under their commands. “To march” is to walk or proceed quickly and with determination. I believe many of you will be able to fulfill the task that is yet ahead quickly and successfully. I am reminded of the day when Jericho walls were flattened by the instructions given by Joshua, their military general of Israel. In addition, Israel received their marching orders to depart Egypt. I believe prophetically that many of you will receive your marching orders to exit and depart places of bondage into emancipation. When they marched into the promised land, they were told to march around Jericho.

For many of you, God said that the territories that have been shut up and shut out will fall as you march around them in prayer, intercession and with fasting. You will conquer the conquest as you march to the beat of the Holy Spirit. God will give many of His people the power and ability to march out of wilderness into their promise land. Elijah took his mantle, struck the Jordan River, it divided supernaturally and Elijah and Elisha crossed over on dry land. Your mantle will be used supernaturally to bring clarity to those things flooding your life or has come to separate you from your purpose.

Finally, Pharaoh marched behind Israel but was annihilated in the Red Sea. Anything marching after you to bring you back will be destroyed when you obey the marching order to liberty. Many will march through your spiritual Red Sea. Many will begin the march out of the old season into new places of prosperity. Israel was told to march throughout the land and possess it. They were to possess every place their feet took them. Get ready to possess the land in this month of March.{eoa}

Dr. Hakeem Collins is an empowerment specialist, respected emerging prophetic voice, apostolic leader, governmental minister, life coach, and sought-after conference speaker. He is known for his keen accurate prophetic gifting and supernatural ministry. Follow him on:

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