Sun. Mar 23rd, 2025
Cindy deVille

Cindy deVille
“Days of wonder and days of dread, these are the days that lie ahead.” These words bubbled up in my spirit recently as a prophetic song. I could not take them lightly as this is the second time in the last few weeks God has given me a song with the exact same theme and message. The first song started, “Great and grave things will be happening / all at the same time–intertwined.” I believe God is speaking through these songs and confirming to us what lies ahead.

Amos 3:7 says, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” (NIV). We’ve heard of many people sensing and speaking about dreadful things coming, and they are concerned. God is wanting His church to be prepared and ready for the days ahead. He is calling all of us to draw very close to Him, to pray, and to stay in a place of surrender, obedience, and faith.

We believe the days of wonder and glory will be for those who have turned their hearts toward God, seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness. His people will see His wonders and glory as never before! But for those who have hardened their hearts and turned away from God, these will be days of dread. For without God there is no hope—only a dreadful fear of what is coming near.

Two ways are being formed and shaped—two cups are filling up. There is a cup of judgment and of wrath that is filling up, and the other cup will be filled with God’s glory to be poured out on His church. Both will be poured out at the same time.

When Jesus was on Earth, He spoke of great troubles that were coming—wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes. He said that all these would be the beginning of sorrows but promised that for the sake of the elect, the days of tribulation would be shortened (see Matt. 24:6-8,22).

Following is the prophetic song God gave us. After you have read it, we encourage you to go back to a previous prophecy, “Singin’ in the Rain,” which came at the beginning of the year (Jan. 1, 2009). You can see how both great and grave things can be happening at the same time. Isaiah 60:1-2 says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.”

Days of Wonder & Days of Dread … Ahead

On October 28, 2009, this part of a song came forth several times through the day:
“Days of wonder, days of dread.
These are the days that lie ahead.”

During the last month the following song has also continued to stir in my heart:
“Great and grave things will be happening,
All at the same time—intertwined.”

On October 17th, God gave me the rest of this song:
“Great and grave things,
Great and mighty shakings.
Even Great Awakenings.
Great and grave things, all at the same time.

Great things in My church.
Grave things in the earth.
All in line, with the seasons and the time.
Great things in the church.
Grave things in the earth.

Earthquakes and floods, famines and wars.
So much more than you’ve seen before.
Famines, famines in the land.

Grave things in the earth.
But know that I’m preparing My church.
Preparing My bride to rise up and be a light
To rise up in great darkness and night.
She will arise, she will rise.

Great things, grave things, will be happening,
All at the same time–intertwined.

Glory, judgment and wrath.
Glory, judgment and wrath.
Glory, judgment and wrath.
For My Word shall come to pass.
It shall come to pass.
For we are in the last, in the very last
In the very last times.

You’ll see My plans unfold.
Then you’ll see the doors close.
The end of time.
My church will shine.”

About the author: Cindy deVille is the co-founder, with her husband, Darrel, of Shekinah Today Ministries ( She is a prophetic minister and intercessor who “has a strong desire to see the church return to her first love.” The deVilles publish an e-newsletter titled Today’s Prophetic Perspective, in which they share with the body of Christ what they believe God is showing and saying to them.


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