Fri. Mar 21st, 2025

How a Brave Black Woman Is Challenging Black Lives Matter

Bevelyn Beatty is the liberal media’s worst nightmare. The 29-year-old activist, who says she gave her heart to Jesus in 2013, has been called a “Christian gangster.” This month she was arrested after pouring cans of black paint on Black Lives Matter murals in the streets of New York. After her act of protest she preached to crowds and told them to stop supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re in Brooklyn, and it ain’t over,” Beatty shouted after she defaced the murals in multiple locations, including Manhattan. “Jesus matters. We’re taking our country back. And let me tell you something, the police need our help. … Don’t just sit by idly and watch your country go to the ground.”

Beatty was quickly released from jail after she and her female friends were “treated like princesses” by New York Police Department officers. Don’t expect this courageous young woman to go away after a few more arrests. With her signature “Jesus Matters” motto emblazoned on her T-shirt, she is on a crusade to awaken America.

Why would an African American woman be so defiantly against the Black Lives Matter movement, which is supposed to be about ending racial injustice? Beatty says the organization is actually a Trojan horse with an evil, anti-Christian agenda. She lists several reasons why Americans, and especially Black Americans, shouldn’t buy into the rhetoric.

  1. Black Lives Matter is against the Black family. “The biggest issue in the Black community today is fatherlessness,” Beatty says. And yet Black Lives Matter is “against the nuclear family,” and specifically against Black men, she adds. Beatty says that’s because of the three women who founded Black Lives Matter, two publicly identify as queer, and Black Lives Matter’s stated goals are to abolish the traditional understanding of family.
  1. Black Lives Matter never talks about abortion. Black Lives Matter protests focus on one thing—incidents of injustice in which a Black person is killed by a white police officer. But Beatty finds it ironic that while an estimated 13 black men were killed by white policemen in 2019, abortion has killed hundreds of thousands of African American babies.

A 2012 study by Protecting Black Lives found that 79% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of minority communities. Black women make up 14% of the childbearing population, yet 36% of all abortions were obtained by Black women, according to another report.

Beatty asks the obvious question: If Black lives matter, don’t unborn Black lives matter, too? “Abortion is the No. 1 killer of Black people. That’s 675,000 babies a year,” she says.

  1. Black Lives Matter never talks about Black-on-Black crime. Black Lives Matter’s focus has been on incidents in which a Black person is killed by a white cop, such as the George Floyd tragedy in Minnesota in May. But Beatty says if Black Lives Matter is really concerned about Black lives, the group should also talk about the fact that a large percentage of Black shooting victims are killed by other Blacks.

In Chicago, where 85 people were shot in one 24-hour period on May 31 of this year, 85 percent of murders over the past several years have been instances of Black-on-Black crime. Beatty says the last thing we need is to cut funds to the police, “unless you want more Black people to die.”

Beatty is incensed that Black Lives Matter has called for the defunding of the police force. “Democrats see us as ignorant,” Beatty says. “This [anti-police] agenda is killing us. We are dropping like flies.”

“I’m not buying it,” Beatty says of the Black Lives Matter agenda. She warns that of the three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter organization, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, one has stated clearly that she is a Marxist.

Cullors said in a 2015 video that she was trained in Marxist-Leninist ideology by Eric Mann, founder of a domestic terrorist organization called the Weather Underground. That group, which was basically a white counterpart organization to the Black Panthers, listed as its main goal to destroy U.S. “imperialism” and to form a communist society.

Before you judge Bevelyn Beatty as some sort of traitor to her race or a sellout to Donald Trump, keep in mind that she grew up in the inner city, and she has relatives who have been shot in street violence. She’s not speaking from a position of privilege, and she didn’t embrace conservative values until after her conversion.

Her crusade flows out of love for her community and her obedience to God. And she is paying a price for that obedience.

“If you really want me to be honest,” she says on one of her many YouTube videos, “a lot of people are calling me a coon. A lot of people are saying I hate myself, or they say, ‘You must hate being Black,’ or ‘You are getting paid for what you do.'”

Her response is: “How can you support an organization that is basically setting you up to fail?”

You may not agree with her unorthodox tactics, but Bevelyn Beatty’s courage can’t be ignored. I suspect we’ll be hearing a lot more from this Spirit-filled justice warrior as America’s culture war intensifies. {eoa}

By J. Lee Grady

J. Lee Grady is an author, award-winning journalist and ordained minister. He served as a news writer and magazine editor for many years before launching into full-time ministry. Lee is the author of six books, including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe and Fearless Daughters of the Bible. His years at Charisma magazine also gave him a unique perspective of the Spirit-filled church and led him to write The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale and Set My Heart on Fire, which is a Bible study on the work of the Holy Spirit.

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