Valerie G. Lowe

  • Yearning for Intimacy

    Most Christians today yearn for deep intimacy with Christ. They want to experience His joy, but religious mindsets keep many believers from having true fellowship with Him. Instead of worshiping and praising Jesus for His grace, we collapse under the weight of legalism and tradition, and we rob ourselves of the opportunity to draw close…

  • Foundational Teachings About Yeshua

    Before I took a pilgrimage to Israel in March, I was unsure of what Messianic Jews believe. Many of my questions were answered when I met believers in Yeshua from around the world on the airplane, in the Old City, at the market and in other places in Israel. Jesus destroyed the barriers that keep…

  • Are Jewish Feasts the Key to Yeshua’s Return?

    The three Jewish holidays observed by Jews around the world include Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Passover. These holidays are not only important to Jews and many Christians; they play a significant role in biblical prophecy. Do these high, holy days hold the key to Yeshua's return? Many believers think so. To discover why, watch…

  • Lawmakers Apologize for Describing Jews as ‘Penny Pinchers’

    South Carolina Republicans James Ulmer and Edwin Merwin have publicly apologized for describing Jews as penny pinchers in a newspaper op-ed piece the lawmakers co-authored. Ulmer and Merwin, who serve as chairmen in the state’s Republican Party, came under fire early this week after the article was published Sunday in the Orangeburg Times & Democrat.The

  • Building a Secure Home

    After God performed the first wedding in the Garden of Eden, He instructed the couple to build a life together, to love one another and to have children. God still intends for couples to have unity, intimacy and unwavering love for one another. Don’t let challenges in your relationship rob you of a healthy marriage.

  • Dead Sea Makes Final Cut in 7 Wonders of Nature Competition

    The Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth and one of Israel’s most popular tourist sites, is one of 28 finalists in the 7 Wonders of Nature, an international online competition that grades the seven natural wonders of the world. To reach the final shortlist, the Dead Sea beat out approximately 440 sites from 220

  • Prayer Makes the Difference

    Soon after I graduated from college I gave my life to the Lord. Even though I grew up in a godly home, I treated salvation like a game of Russian roulette. I played around because I figured I had time on my side. Was I ever deceived! I know today what made me drop to…

  • Prayer Makes the Difference

    Prayer Makes the Difference

    Soon after I graduated from college I gave my life to the Lord. Even though I grew up in a godly home, I treated salvation like a game of Russian roulette. I played around because I figured I had time on my side. Was I ever deceived! I know today what made me drop to…

  • Let Yeshua ‘Tabernacle’ in You

    The Jewish holiday Sukkot, which is also known as the Festival of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles, is celebrated not only in the Holy Land, but also around the world. Jews call it the “season of joy” because Messiah was born. In biblical times, Jews journeyed to Jerusalem to commemorate the children of Israel’s

  • 10 Places You Should See (in Israel) Before You Die

    10 Places You Should See (in Israel) Before You Die

    Nearly everyone has a special place he would like to visit during his lifetime. For many people, that place is Israel. The mere mention of the country's name evokes a wide range of emotions, one of which is longing. For thousands of years, Israel has held great significance for people from all walks of life,…

  • Christians Gather in Jerusalem to Show Support for Israel

    Christians Gather in Jerusalem to Show Support for Israel

    Some 5,000 Christians from 100 nations marched through the streets of Jerusalem Tuesday to show their solidarity with the nation of Israel. March participants waved Zionist banners and flags, while others wore T-shirts that read "Jerusalem United" as part of a campaign responding to political pressure on Israel to stop construction in the largely Arab…

  • Let Go of Unforgiveness

    I experience a nagging feeling in my chest from time to time. I don’t take over-the-counter medicine or prescription drugs for the problem because I won’t feel any relief. The discomfort I feel in my heart is the Holy Spirit’s conviction in my life. During prayer time yesterday, I was forced to come clean with

  • Charisma Launches Israel Virtual Marketplace Online

     For readers wanting to visit the Holy Land to learn about ancient biblical history and experience Jewish culture, Charisma magazine has created Israel Virtual Marketplace, an interactive online destination that launched Thursday.The site was created in response to the growing interest in the Holy Land by readers who want to go behind the scenes to…

  • When We Offend the Holy Spirit

    How many times have you read in Scripture do not "grieve" the Holy Spirit? (See Eph. 4:30.) The Greek translation of "grieve" is lupeo, which means "to be sorrowful or to be in heaviness." When we swap godly character and gossip, act rudely or mistreat others, the Holy Spirit is deeply saddened by our offense.…

  • There’s Healing in His Name

    There’s Healing in His Name

    The Bible has a Word for each believer who is ill. The apostle James tells the sick to "call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord" (James 5:14, NKJV). Whether you battle cancer, high blood pressure or clinical depression, the…

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