Valerie G. Lowe

  • Lord, I Want to See You

    To catch a glimpse of the eternal God so impacts us that we are lifted from the mundane affairs of this temporal life and transported into the reality of the kingdom of God. We must ask God to heighten our ability to see into the heavenly realm. We desire this, first of all, because we…

  • Meeting God at the Winepress

    In biblical times, a winepress represented joy, singing and rejoicing. Farmers would harvest their grapes, place them in a pit hewed from a rock called a winepress, and crush the fruit to get the juice. They would use the grape juice to make wine and serve it at weddings, dinner and other gatherings. But according…

  • Israeli Basketball Player Selected in NBA Draft

    The Sacramento Kings selected forward Omri Casspi at the 23rd pick of the National Basketball Association (NBA) draft held in New York City's Madison Square Garden last week. The 6-foot-9-inch 21-year-old is the first Israeli ever to be drafted by an NBA team in the first round of the selection process. Casspi watched the draft…

  • Poll Shows Israelis Losing Trust in Obama

    The latest poll of Israeli public opinion shows that a mere 6 percent of the Jewish population consider President Barack Obama to be a friend of Israel, down from 31 percent a few weeks ago. According to the Smith Research poll conducted for The Jerusalem Post, exactly half the people surveyed believe Obama's administration is…

  • A View From the Top

    Standing atop Mount Olive, I got a panoramic view of Jerusalem and the Old City during my pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I could see the Temple Mount, the City of David, and the “pinnacle” or the place where the Bible says Satan told Jesus: “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down…

  • Prayer Can Turn It Around

    Have you ever read Frank Peritti’s This Present Darkness? I read it maybe 15 years ago and it changed my prayer life forever. The book is about spiritual warfare and what happens when Christians pray—or don’t pray. I held on to every word, comma and semicolon in the book because it taught me the value…

  • Prayer Can Turn It Around

    Have you ever read Frank Peritti’s This Present Darkness? I read it maybe 15 years ago and it changed my prayer life forever. The book is about spiritual warfare and what happens when Christians pray—or don’t pray. I held on to every word, comma and semicolon in the book because it taught me the value…

  • Discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls

    Considered the lowest surface area on earth, the Dead Sea lies 410 meters below sea level. Located northwest of its shores is one of Israel’s most spectacular, ancient sites—the Qumran caves. Qumran was home to a sect of Jewish zealots who penned what has come to be known today as the Dead Scrolls. The members…

  • Why Israel Still Matters

    The fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 shook international Jewry and greatly influenced the thinking of the Christian world. The Jews had resisted the power of Rome for years, but the Romans ultimately responded with unprecedented slaughter and cruelty, carrying out what was described by the early historian Josephus as a terrible holocaust. The gentile…

  • The Trip of a Lifetime

    The Trip of a Lifetime

    One of the most rewarding and exciting places I've ever traveled to is Israel. I'd always wanted to take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land but didn't think the opportunity would ever present itself. I was wrong. In March I boarded a 747 bound for the Middle East, and what I discovered there was indeed…

  • Faith That Conquers Cancer

    Faith That Conquers Cancer

    In 1982, Ruby Holland Hutchins was diagnosed with cervical cancer and was told she would never have children. In 1997, she learned she had a rare disease called pulmonary sarcoidosis. In 2000, doctors told her she had stage-four lung cancer and would die in three months. Today Hutchins has two adult daughters, no longer has…

  • Pro-Israel Group Makes Inroads on Campuses

    A growing number of Christian college students are showing their support for Israel by forming student-led campus chapters of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Andrew Summey, national director of CUFI on Campus, estimates the organization has a presence on roughly 150 campuses and that 35 colleges have a designated CUFI liaison or pro-Israel group. In…

  • Where Is the River of Revival Taking Us?

    Where Is the River of Revival Taking Us?

    This season of the outpouring of the Spirit is bringing with it exciting new glimpses of the kingdom. With that comes a renewed passion to know God and to make Him known. As we enjoy the freedom to swim in the river of our Lord's presence, we sense a greater power and authority to pursue…

  • What Not to Wear

    What Not to Wear

    Remember several years ago when Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake were performing at the Super Bowl Half-Time Show, and he ripped off her costume exposing her chest to nearly 90 million viewers? The performance caused uproar in the public arena over indecency on TV, and led to bills being passed increasing fines against broadcasters that…

  • Journey to the Holy Land—In Florida

    For many Christians, it would be a dream come true to take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and watch the Bible unfold before their eyes. But due to a failing economy, times are tough and people are saving their money until times get better. But I took a journey to the Holy Land Experience…

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