Tomas Dixon

  • Twilight of Christian Europe

    In Sweden, France and other countries, governments are harassing churches. Believers there could be just a few steps away from serious persecution.

  • The Father’s Heart in the Fatherland

    In Germany, a nation once torn apart by Nazi hatred, God is bringing healing through the message of the Father's love.

  • In War’s Aftermath

    Five years ago the U.S. invaded Kosovo to bring freedom. Today churches there are growing--but Christians who are sharing Christ with the nation's Muslim majority face a challenge.

  • My Big Fat Greek Outreach

    American missionary Jerry Winter has returned to his forefathers' homeland to spearhead a massive evangelistic effort at the 2004 Olympic Games.

  • God’s Moment for Greece

    All eyes will be on Greece next summer when the Olympic Games return to Athens. Thousands of Christians plan to use the event to evangelize a spiritually needy country.

  • Journey of a Transvestite

    Santiago Álamo worked in a brothel and tried to find happiness as a woman. But he discovered the love of Jesus at Remar, one of Spain's most dynamic outreach ministries.

  • The Crescent Moon Rises Over Europe

    While Muslim immigrants pour into England and France, most churches there are unaware or unconcerned about the threat--and the opportunity they have to reach Islamic nations.

  • She Dared to Claim a Continent

    South African evangelist Suzette Hattingh began her ministry by praying for Reinhard Bonnke's huge campaigns in Africa. Today she's reaching the spiritually desolate cities of Western Europe

  • In the Shadow of the Mosque

    In most Muslim nations, sharing the gospel is forbidden. But observers believe that Turkey–where the New Testament church flourished–may be the key to reaching all of the Middle East. The first time that Ali Pektas had an encounter with Jesus Christ was in Mecca, Saudi Arabia–the spiritual heart of Islam. “I was working in Saudi

  • Changing Hearts in SPAIN

    Best known as the pleasure capital of Europe, Spain is beginning to shake off years of religious tradition for a life-giving faith.

  • Prayer Movement Gains Momentum In Finland

    Church leaders are crossing denominational lines to unite in prayer for the secularized country

  • Swedish Gay-Rights Bill Threatens Religious Freedom

  • Lutherans Fire Finnish Pastor for Hosting Charismatic Miracle Services

    The denominations cited vicar Markku Koivisto's 'extremism' after gold dust and oil appeared during meetings in Nokia

  • Organizers of Reconciliation Walk Say Effort Defused Mideast Tensions

    Leaders say people in the Middle East were touched when Christians apologized for 900-year-old injustices

  • Reaching the People of the Magi

    The Kurds are the fourth-largest people-group in the Middle East, yet they have no land of their own. But God hasn’t forgotten these persecuted descendants of the ancient Magi of Bible times. It is a story of the Christmas manger and of age-old mystics, a story voiced across the world in nursery rhymes and high-church

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