Steve Strang

  • A War on Traditional Values

    A War on Traditional Values

    With gay marriage legislation being passed in Iowa and Vermont, some Christians are saying that there is an all out war on traditional values. I thought Samuel Rodriguez (pictured), president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, spoke eloquently on this subject. You can read his comments here and then come back to our Web

  • Tea Party for Taxes

    A couple of months ago there was a huge demonstration in downtown Orlando, called a "tea party." It received very little press, even though thousands of people attended. I wouldn't have known about it except that a couple of my family members inadvertently found themselves downtown, and were able to interact with a number of the attendees.…

  • Larry King and Christian Leaders

    Larry King and Christian Leaders

    One of the things I do on the Strang Report is pass along information that comes to me on a daily basis. Recently both Rick Warren (pictured) and Joel Osteen were on Larry King Live. Larry King is well known for inviting Christian leaders to be on his show and then baiting them. In what must…

  • Commentary from the Press

    Someone sent me this column called “Bickering Threatens to Break Apart Christian Coalition” by Kathleen Parker, a columnist with The Washington Post Writers Group. In it she analyzes what’s going on with the religious right. After you read it, come back to our Web site and put your comments on our blog. Read the article

  • The Life-Changing Message of the Cross

    The Life-Changing Message of the Cross

    As today is Good Friday and we are thinking about Christ's death on the cross, I decided to devote the Strang Report to sharing my thoughts about Matt Crouch's new documentary: The Cross: The Arthur Blessitt Story. I found this documentary to be very moving when I saw it at a pre-screening on March 24.…

  • The Cross: The Arthur Blessitt Story Trailer


  • Don’t Let Judges Parent for You

    Don’t Let Judges Parent for You

    My good friend Michael Farris has been a real advocate for parental rights. He is founding president and current chancellor of Patrick Henry College, which is training young lawyers from a Christian worldview. Angered by recent court decisions that have chipped away at parental rights, Farris helped craft H.J. Res. 42, also known as the Parental…

  • Christian Bashing Is Alive and Well

    In recent years, Christians have been subjected to a firestorm of hate crimes, much of which has been overlooked by the mainstream media. Ted Baehr, founder of Movieguide, the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission and the Christian Film & Television Commission are conducting a joint effort to bring hate crimes against Christians to light and hold attackers accountable. Read the…

  • Fighting for a Healthy Conscience

    As today is World Health Day, I thought you'd be interested in this item from Family Research Council President Tony Perkins. See his letter below. President Barack Obama is proposing regulations to strike or weaken current policies implemented by the then-Health and Human Services Secretary (HHS) Mike Leavitt. The policies protect the conscience rights of…

  • Grand News: I’ll Be a Granddad Soon!

    A few times in life there is such great news that you want to tell everyone. Today is such a day. I’ve just found out my son Cameron and his wife, Maya, will make me a granddad next October. Maya went to the doctor today for her 12-week sonogram. For me the only way to

  • Tony Perkins Responds to Obama’s Invitation to Dungy

    Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement in response to President Obama's invitation to Tony Dungy, former coach of the Indianapolis Colts, to join the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. "I was pleased to hear that Tony Dungy, former coach of the Indianapolis Colts, has been asked to serve…

  • Obama Selects Tony Dungy for His Faith-Based Council

    Obama Selects Tony Dungy for His Faith-Based Council

    Though not officially confirmed by the Obama administration, U.S. News & World Report has verified that President Obama has invited former Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy to be part of the President's Advisory Council for his Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. You can read more about here. Click here to read Tony Perkins' response to Obama's…

  • Obama Judge: “No” to Jesus, “Yes” to Allah

    President Barack Obama's first judicial nominee, David Hamilton, is a former ACLU attorney, who as a federal trial judge issued a court ruling that said "No" to Jesus and "Yes" to Allah. In 2005, this former ACLU activist ordered the Speaker of the Indiana House to immediately stop "sectarian prayers" at the opening of the…

  • Late-term Abortionist George Tiller Acquitted, New Charges Filed

    Just after a jury in Sedgwick County, Kansas, returned not guilty verdicts in the criminal case against late-term abortionist George Tiller, the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA) released to the public a petition it filed in December listing eleven allegations against Tiller's license reports Operation Rescue. According to a statement released by the…

  • Democrat Bill Will Overturn Military Policy On Homosexuals

    Democrat Bill Will Overturn Military Policy On Homosexuals

    San Francisco Values Democrat Ellen Tauscher (CA) has introduced H.R. 1283, the "Military Readiness Enhancement Act Of 2009." She already has 136 co-sponsors. Her misnamed bill should be called the "Legalization Of Sodomy On The Battlefield and Barracks Act" to more accurately describe what the legislation will legalize. The bill will amend Title 10 of…

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