Steve Strang

  • As Big Tech Strikes Us Down, Conservatives Become More Powerful Than They Ever Imagined

    As Big Tech Strikes Us Down, Conservatives Become More Powerful Than They Ever Imagined

    In the famously climactic encounter between Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former protĂ©gĂ©, Darth Vader, in the original “Star Wars” film, Darth taunts his old master by saying, “Your powers are weak, old man.” Kenobi responds, “You can’t win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” The

  • Listen to This Powerful Prophetic Word About Cuba’s Freedom From Tony Suarez

    Listen to This Powerful Prophetic Word About Cuba’s Freedom From Tony Suarez

    The island nation of Cuba has undergone the oppression of a communist government for decades under the Castro family. Nearly a month ago, many of the people said, “Enough is enough,” and they took to the streets in protest of a government that has kept the people under its boot for far too long. And

  • The People of Haiti Desperately Need Our Help After Devastating 7.2 Earthquake

    The People of Haiti Desperately Need Our Help After Devastating 7.2 Earthquake

    As you probably already know, a tremendous earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale struck the island nation of Haiti over the weekend. Tragically, at least 1,300 people were killed, and more than 3,000 people are still missing. Haiti is an impoverished nation with many needs, and this earthquake has created another huge one. I

  • Gen. Michael Flynn Identifies Purpose of ReAwaken America Tour: ‘Saving This Country and Saving America’

    Gen. Michael Flynn Identifies Purpose of ReAwaken America Tour: ‘Saving This Country and Saving America’

    Scripture affirms that God specializes in the unlikely. Through the ReAwaken America tours, He is using the unlikely combination of a national security expert, Gen. Mike Flynn, and an entrepreneur, Clay Clark, in powerful ways that will have lasting impact. The tours, which began in April in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as the highly acclaimed Health and

  • Why It Is Crucial to Help Meet This Special Need in Missionary Bruce Olson’s Ministry

    Why It Is Crucial to Help Meet This Special Need in Missionary Bruce Olson’s Ministry

    Missionary Bruce Olson Describes His Critical Financial Need in Reaching the Tribes in South America Here’s how you can help. Stephen Strang Bruce Olson went to the jungles of Colombia as a 19 year old in 1960. He’s now 80 years old. He has brought the Gospel to 90,000 unreached tribes in Colombia by translating

  • Missionary Bruce Olson Describes His Critical Financial Need in Reaching the Tribes in South America

    Missionary Bruce Olson Describes His Critical Financial Need in Reaching the Tribes in South America

    Bruce Olson went to the jungles of Colombia as a 19-year-old in 1960. He’s now 80 years old. He has brought the gospel to 90,000 unreached tribes in Colombia by translating the Bible into 19 languages and helping them maintain their customs while becoming Christians and dealing with the Western world. His amazing story is

  • Why Mardel’s 40 Years of Serving the Christian Public Deserve Our Applause and Support

    Why Mardel’s 40 Years of Serving the Christian Public Deserve Our Applause and Support

    The only remaining national Christian bookstore chain, Mardel Christian & Education, has just celebrated its 40th anniversary. I got to know its founder, Mart Green, at publishing conventions back in its early days. It’s been exciting to see the chain grow to 38 stores in 11 states. Each store averages 25,000 square feet. That’s about

  • My New Book Proclaims It’s Not Too Late to Fight Back Against Cancel Culture

    My New Book Proclaims It’s Not Too Late to Fight Back Against Cancel Culture

    I’ve been a guest on Perry Atkinson’s radio show Focus Today in Medford, Oregon, several times in the past, and we’ve had some great conversations about my previous books and what’s happening in the kingdom and culture today. But I wholeheartedly believe this is the most important interview Atkinson has conducted with me to date.

  • Mario Murillo Says the Youth of America Will Soon Experience Awakening in a Big Way

    Mario Murillo Says the Youth of America Will Soon Experience Awakening in a Big Way

    Mario Murillo’s voice has been heard around the world, and his ministry impacts millions. He brings a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society, and he preaches Christ clearly and intelligently, openly declaring the power of Jesus to transform lives. Murillo offers a simple invitation: Come and see what Jesus can do. He

  • Why RT Kendall’s Limitless Energy for the Kingdom at 86 Should Inspire You to Stay Fit

    Why RT Kendall’s Limitless Energy for the Kingdom at 86 Should Inspire You to Stay Fit

    I’ve known R.T. Kendall for a long time. He has published many, many books with us at Charisma, and we are so proud that such a great man of God has chosen to do God’s work through us. He is a tireless worker for the kingdom, and he shows a great deal of stamina to

  • When a Crippling Pandemic Leads to Revival, Healing Miracles and Holy Spirit Baptisms

    When a Crippling Pandemic Leads to Revival, Healing Miracles and Holy Spirit Baptisms

    When a crippling pandemic strikes the world and your entire ministry schedule is suddenly cleared, what do you do? Tony Suarez, Chief Operating Officer of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, says when that happens, it’s time to go back to the basics of the kingdom. You see, Suarez and his wife, Jina, had already

  • How My New Book Can Help You Stand Strong and Fight This Evil Called Cancel Culture

    How My New Book Can Help You Stand Strong and Fight This Evil Called Cancel Culture

    It doesn’t matter who you are or how big your platform is, if you oppose the anti-God, anti-Christian leftist establishment these days, those who represent it will do everything they can to minimize, or cancel, your voice and the values you stand for. We have seen people like Eric Metaxas, My Pillow’s Mike Lindell and

  • Evangelist Born With No Arms or Legs Helps Veterans Shun Suicide and Heal From Trauma

    Evangelist Born With No Arms or Legs Helps Veterans Shun Suicide and Heal From Trauma

    If there’s anyone who knows anything about overcoming adversity and spiritual warfare, it’s Nick Vujicic. Vujicic, who’s been an evangelist since 19, was born without limbs but has overcome his physical adversity—by the grace of God—to preach the gospel around the globe. Check out these numbers: Vujicic has preached Jesus in 74 countries to 9.5

  • Celebrating God’s Goodness and Announcing My New Book

    Celebrating God’s Goodness and Announcing My New Book

    Like the sons of Issachar (1 Chron. 12:32), we must be aware of the times. Throughout Scripture, the children of Israel recounted God’s goodness by bringing them out of Israel and performing miracles. So bear with me as I recount an important milestone we just passed, thank God for His goodness and announce my newest

  • My Friend, Christian Attorney Stephen Beik, Had a Real Impact on Christian TV

    My Friend, Christian Attorney Stephen Beik, Had a Real Impact on Christian TV

    My longtime attorney, Stephen Beik, was saved watching Christian TV years ago and then made a major impact in this industry for several decades before he died recently at age 74. He was also my good friend and lived two streets over from me. He was a great man, and I’m grieving his loss. Steve’s

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