Sarah Stegall

  • Pursuing His Presence

    What is true regarding intimacy in marriage is also true in our relationship with God. It doesn't happen without effort. In forming Adam with His hands and breathing life into him, God demonstrated His desire for intimate involvement with mankind. After the man and woman fell, God's plan of redemption was instituted to bring them…

  • Celebrating Diversity in Worship

    Unity is all about discerning the body of Christ in all its expressions. Neither cultural preferences nor personal tastes should prohibit our embracing other brothers and sisters in Christ. Disunity undermines our witness to the world, to unbelievers who cannot look past our lack of understanding and acceptance of one another. It is critical to…

  • Moving Beyond Survival to Revival

    Knowing how to survive in the wilderness is vital, but as the Israelites demonstrated, it is equally important to know how to come out of the wilderness. When the time is right, according to God's plan, we must leave behind our kinship with lack and struggle in order to walk into a place of vision…

  • What Happened to Eve?

    Eve's disobedience and subsequent banishment from the presence of God was an interruption in her destiny. But immediately following the first couple's fall, God implemented a plan that would restore them to their intended purpose. Referring to God's promise of a Messiah in Gen. 3:15, Dr. Freda Lindsay wrote: "The woman, first scarred by sin,…

  • Moments of Holy Visitation

    Knowing God stimulates our hunger to know Him more. We will increase in wisdom and anointing to the degree that we cultivate an atmosphere that always yearns for and welcomes His presence. In The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer wrote, "Acute desire must be present or there will be no manifestation of Christ to His…

  • Why Saints Fall Away from God

    No matter how knowledgeable they may be, believers who toy with carnal temptations are vulnerable to deception and capable of being led away from their relationship with God. Pride--something with which we're all tempted--presents us with a distorted picture of self-sufficiency. If we embrace this idea, then we will be drawn away from a humble…

  • Is There Bitterness in Your House?

    There are countless reasons why a woman of God would be tempted to harbor bitterness. However, none of them are good. Certainly, none are worth the cost of forfeiting the peace and purpose of God or interrupting the flow of His Spirit. Scripture says a root of bitterness "defiles many." It may begin in one…

  • Acquaint Yourself with His Kindness

    Every difficulty we experience is an opportunity to learn of God's mercy. It is a chance for us to discover all over again that God is good; that He is good "all the time." The Lord is tender toward us when we struggle, and we will find throughout life that when in earnest we call…

  • Praying with Prophetic Power

    As God's representatives on Earth, we have the authority to speak for Him. When we speak under the leading of the Holy Spirit, we speak as His mouthpiece. During strategic times, the Lord will prompt us to pray very specific prayers that will bring His will to bear in a given situation. When God the…

  • God’s Invisible Messengers

    God has called us to the kind of supernatural life that Jesus lived. At the beginning of the New Testament church, God confirmed His Word with signs following, and the presence and words of angels further established the gospel in the Earth. The book of Acts is replete with angelic visitations. A case in point…

  • Are Your Words Loaded With The Spirit?

    How we long to speak words that penetrate the hearts of those who hear them! Often, we try to impart reason and wisdom to family members and friends and sense that we've not made a lasting impact. George D. Watson wrote, "Words are chariots in which the quality of the heart and mind ride forth…

  • Keep Your Eyes On The Mountaintop

    Joseph's life from the very beginning indicated great favor and potential. He was the beloved son of his father, Jacob, and was chosen by God for a great work. Before Joseph understood the magnitude of his dreams, God was at work in him, fashioning his character into that of a man to whom great responsibility…

  • How You Can Get God’s Attention

    A worshiping woman is a dangerous woman because she commands the notice of God.The woman in Luke 7 had overcome shame, guilt and people's disapproval in order to have an audience with Jesus. She was not intimidated, but rather her tragic past gave her even more cause to rejoice in His restoration. She who had…

  • Never Stop Believing

    God's commands cannot be grasped apart from His gracious promises. When we fail to appropriate the greater grace of God to fulfill His will, we open the door to tolerating unbelief, which is unacceptable to God. When we choose to believe them, God's promises compel us to respond toward the Lord's commands in love and…

  • No Longer Addicted

    Normally, the term addiction represents a dependency on immoral or illegal, life-controlling substances or behaviors. But the truth is, dependency on anything or anyone other than God is idolatry. Christ wants us to be free to entrust everything that pertains to life to Him. In the Old Testament, God's people were sorely rebuked and even…

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