Sarah Stegall

  • Love Your Enemies

    (PART 1) It is difficult to forgive other people for their failures. But when Jesus tells us to love our enemies, He will give us the love that He demands.

  • Get Ready for Harvest Time

    (PART 1) As God takes His heroes home to heaven, those of us who remain must carry on their work as Elisha carried on Elijah's. We must continue their race with unquenchable zeal and integrity.

  • So You Want a Godly Husband?

    Wives of great Bible heroes experienced disappointments in ministry and rejection from their husbands. In fulfilling their calling, husbands and wives must walk in obedient submission to God and to each other.

  • The Subtle Dangers of Soulish Worship

    Genuine worship exalts Christ and acknowledges His great power and authority in heaven and on Earth. It requires a lifestyle of obedience not just occasional bursts of emotional excitement.

  • God, Give Me Patience, Now!

    The way we respond to life reveals our level of trust in God. Impatience is caused by fear and the need to wrest the reigns of control away from God's hands.

  • The Nature of True Repentance

    (PART 1) Every person is obligated to repent before he or she can enter into the kingdom of God. We must grow to hate sin so that it brings us great joy to walk away from it.

  • Thank God for the Fire

    To fear God is to hate sin, including the sin in our own hearts. God wants to melt away the hardness in our hearts so we can fully experience His love.

  • How to Lead By the Spirit

    A Spirit-driven leader will model Jesus' relationship with the Father, living utterly committed to spending time with Him.

  • Surviving Life’s War Zones

    We must find out what is true about God and hold on to that when we are forced into one of life's war zones. Like Job, our suffering should intensify our focus on God.

  • When You Can’t Have it Your Way

    The Christian's effectual calling is to belong to Jesus Christ. A Christian woman may find herself in a career calling she didn't want or study for--which may be what Paul refers to as a thorn in the flesh. 

  • Breaking Through to Victory

    Jesus is called the Breaker, and He will go before us and break through our hardships and remove what has obstructed our progress--financially, physically and spiritually. He leads, and we advance behind Him.

  • Let God Be Enough

    (PART 1) As a little child rests her head against her mother's breast in sleep, so we should be able to rest contentedly in God Himself.

  • The Holy Spirit in You

    God has given us the Holy Spirit to birth the new life of Christ in us. Through the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to overcome sin and become Spirit-led witnesses for Jesus.

  • Taking Jesus to the Marketplace

    God desires to use us in everyday situations to demonstrate His concern for unsaved people. If we give Him the chance, Jesus will reveal Himself through us in miracles.

  • Equally Redeemed

    Decisive women are frequently mislabeled as "Jezebels" in the church. The Bible, however, records a number of strong women who effectively followed God's call.

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