Sarah Stegall

  • The Joy of Christ

    (PART 1) The Lord desires for us to have His joy. We can have this experience as we obey Him and give up our own wills in order to live in humility and holiness as Jesus did.

  • God’s Perfect Timing

    (PART 1) Two words God uses to answer prayer are "never" and "always." God says we must never be afraid because He is with us. And because He is with us, we must always stand firm in our faith.

  • I Found Safety in the Storm

    God's purpose for the storms in our lives is to make us grow stronger. When storms come, we need to remember God's goodness, trust Him and put down deeper roots of faith.

  • When Forgiveness Seems Impossible

    When God forgives our sins, He does so totally and completely. He wipes the slate clean. Now He wants us to offer that same total forgiveness to others.

  • What Does Jesus Say About Women?

    (PART 1) The role of women in the church has been limited by a misunderstanding of Paul's letters. But Jesus, not Paul, is the head of the church. We need to take our cue from Christ--His teachings and His example.

  • When We Praise Him

    When we praise God, He rewards us with His presence--which is where we find power and provision to meet our every need.

  • Going it Alone

    It is good to have spiritual mentors. But when trying times come--and they will--our dependency is to be on Christ, not other people.

  • Growing in God Together

    God brings special Christians into our lives to mentor us toward spiritual maturity. He intends for us to turn around and share the wisdom we learn as mentors for others.

  • God and the Voting Booth

    As Christians, we have a responsibility to vote in the upcoming elections--not according to race, political party or man's wisdom, but according to righteousness and God's Word.

  • Women of God, Arise!

    God is calling women in leadership to use their gifts and talents to mentor and minister to other women in the body of Christ. We need to be prepared to heed that call.

  • Going Deep in God

    (PART 1)The daily concerns of our lives can bog us down to the point that we forget our true dependence is on God. Day by day, minute by minute, we need to abandon the details of our lives to Him.

  • Help! I Married the Wrong Man

    God knows us better than we know ourselves--and better than we know our spouses. We need to trust the Lord and ask His blessing on the marriage relationship He has ordained.

  • Restored by Radical Grace

    God's love has incredible healing power. His Spirit helps us to forgive and become His ministers of reconciliation.

  • How to Receive from Heaven

    (PART 1) What we speak through our mouths reveals what we believe in our hearts. When we lift our faith to God, His Spirit changes us on the inside. As a result, our speech is transformed and we begin to bear witness to the fact that our hope is not in ourselves but in our…

  • The Secret of Fruitfulness

    (PART 1) You have God's Spirit in you, and you can speak life into your dreams and your relationships and see those things resurrected by the power of God.

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