Sarah Stegall

  • Cast Out the Spirit of Poverty

    Jesus declared He came to give us abundant life. Living in poverty and perpetual lack is not God's will and may reflect an unbroken curse.

  • Savoring the Moment

    Feeling perpetually dissatisfied with your current circumstances may indicate a deeper problem. When we forfeit our agendas, God helps us discover His purposes and joy.

  • The Disillusionment of Elijah

    Satan likes to torment successful Christians with disillusionment, hoping they will give in and miss God's best for their ministries. We must learn to resist this tactic as Christ did.

  • Who is This Jesus?

    Christianity is not about performance or production; it centers upon being immersed in a Person. His extravagant love for us fills our hearts and transforms our lives.

  • When You Pray, Believe

    (PART 1) Believing God's promises necessitates first knowing God. Our experience of God comes through daily intercourse with Him. We must learn to receive Him in order to build faith.

  • Are You a Target for Seduction?

    (PART 1) Our past wounds and weaknesses give Satan a potential advantage over us. We need to understand where we are vulnerable so we may defend ourselves against evil schemes.

  • Who Are You Trying to Please?

    People-pleasers seek to gain approval from others by never saying "no." God desires that we seek His pleasure first, and then He will help us maintain healthy relationships.

  • To Become Like Christ

    (PART 1)Our goal as Christians is to become sons of God. We cannot do that in our own strength. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to give us the will and ability to be like Jesus.

  • Progressing Toward Full Communion with Christ

    The blessings of salvation begin on Earth through intimacy with Christ. Jesus desires to commune with us as every part of our being becomes set apart for Him.

  • Receiving the Power of the Spirit

    (PART 1)Examples of power and transformation by the Holy Spirit abound in both Old and New Testaments. God has operated in marvelous ways since the beginning of time.

  • Releasing Hagar’s Daughters

    Countless women worldwide are struggling to survive abusive circumstances. As their Christian sisters, we must pray and mobilize efforts to help them find freedom in Jesus.

  • Grace Meets You Where You Are

    We cannot know who we are in Christ until we understand God's amazing grace and love for us. His grace allows us to be transparent about our weakness and open to His strength.

  • Return to the River

    Sometimes our initial pursuit of revival brings reproach. We are tempted as King David was to set God aside. Those who truly hunger, however, will return and grow wiser.

  • Getting in Touch with God

    Knowing how to pray effectively does not come automatically. Effective prayer ministers must be well grounded in God's Word and experienced in following the Spirit's leading.

  • Breaking the Alabaster Box

    Jesus said when a seed falls to the ground and dies, abundant life emerges. Our soulish nature must similarly die in order to release the spiritual life we have in Christ.

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