Sarah Stegall

  • Jesus Broke the Curse

    As women, we hold a special place in the heart of our Savior. Jesus came to set us free from the captivity of sin and to heal our broken hearts. His touch is as powerful today as it ever was.

  • Open Your Child’s Windows to God

    Parents cannot control their children’s relationship with God or “ownership” of faith. They can, however, provide opportunities and examples to inspire spiritual zeal. READ: Deut. 6:4-12; Ps. 78:1-8; Prov. 22:6; 2 Cor. 12:14-15; Eph. 6:1-4; Col. 3:20-21.HEART ISSUE: Is your relationship with God what you want your kids to model? How can you encourage your

  • When You Want to Quit

    (PART 1) We must hold on to hope, knowing that the Christian race is not without hurdles. Those who run with perseverance can have confidence they will see the great things God has ordained for their destiny. READ: Num. 14:6-9; Josh. 1:1-9; Rom. 5:3-5; Eph. 6:18-20; 2 Tim. 3:10-12; 2 Pet. 1:3-11.HEART ISSUE: Do you

  • What I Learned at the Fork in the Road

    The Lord wants us to release our grip on the controls of our plans and expectations. When we do, then He is able to show us a better way, His way.

  • Overcoming the Self-Life

    Joshua and Caleb claimed their inheritance from the Lord. Likewise, we must walk in humility and surrender to the Holy Spirit, who will lead us into our promised land.

  • Prayer that Gets Results

    (PART 1)Prayer without faith is like life without blood. One is bound to the other. To do the "greater things" Jesus promised, we must exercise true faith in prayer.

  • The Power of a Mother’s Example

    (PART 1) The story of Hannah, mother of Samuel, bears witness to what God does in response to prayer and perseverance. Hannah's story reveals how the strength and power of God Almighty helped one woman of prayer to work through pain, suffering and weakness.

  • A Fresh Look at the Lord

    (PART 1) When we speak the word "revival" we often think of masses of people falling into ecstasy in the flow of the Spirit. But what about the kind of revival that occurs deep within the individual person? Personal revival happens inside us when we encounter the holiness of Almighty God.

  • Break Free from Religion

    Religious spirits are established in churches and elsewhere to keep people from being a part of what God is doing. These spirits can destroy relationships, distort the truth and disrupt the holy atmosphere of a service. Their purpose is to hinder the authentic work of the Spirit by imposing legalistic rules and traditions on the…

  • This is How We Overcome

    (PART 1) God, through His Son, Jesus, took it upon Himself to make a way for us to receive the gift of eternal life. Our goal, then, is not to live each day in defeat, as though our salvation must be earned over and over again, but to rejoice that we have a testimony of…

  • Trusting the God Who is There

    (PART 1) We don't have to understand why difficult things happen in order to trust God's loving intentions toward us.

  • The Power Dimension of Faith

    (PART 1) If we're serious about serving the purposes of God in our generation, we must contend not only for the proclamation of sound doctrine, but also for the demonstration of real apostolic power.

  • The Friendship of Christ

    (PART 1) Friendship with Christ implies reciprocated love: We love Him because He first loved us.

  • Avoiding the Enemy’s Distractions

    Internal distractions, more than external circumstances, can be spiritually lethal. But with God's help, we can overcome self-destructive habits and behaviors and be spiritually transformed.

  • His Word Revealed in Us

    If you are hungry for more of God's glory in your life, walk in obedience. The Lord is faithful to reveal more of His truth to us when we act upon what we already know He has told us to do.

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