Sarah Stegall

  • Called to Be His Bride

    Our understanding of the kingdom of God takes a dramatic turn when we realize our first calling is to love and enjoy Jesus Christ. More than by fear or a sense of duty, our obedience to Him must be fueled by our love for Him or it becomes reduced to rigid orthodoxy and dead works.…

  • Was That a Compliment.

    Just before the holiday season our family traveled out of state to attend an interdenominational charismatic conference. My 3-year-old grandson, Christian, accompanied us, and when he saw me the first morning dressed in a new winter outfit, he was wide-eyed with delight and especially impressed with my red shoes. Looking down at them and then…

  • Yoo Hoo, I Have A Question

    Years ago, toward the end of the hippie movement, my husband and I used to arrive with our toddler, Gail, at her prekindergarten class about the same time each Sunday morning. Almost simultaneously, a bearded young man with very long, flowing hair would deposit his young daughter, Tammy. My husband, Tom, and I were taken…

  • Ten Lies the Church Tells Women

    In the days of Jesus' earthly ministry, He confronted men's religious traditions and challenged their long-held distorted beliefs regarding the status of women. Men and women in the church have made some progress toward a more balanced view of gender roles. However, there is still a great deal of fear and confusion associated with the…

  • From New Age To New Life

    As a child it was no big deal for me to see visions or angels, experience the future in dreams or hear the voice of Jesus. But after college I married, stopped going to church and stopped talking with Jesus. When my marriage failed, I sought out a psychologist who had "just the thing" for…

  • Women Transforming the World

    Prophets and those who are sensitive to the currents of the Spirit of God are calling this a new era in the church in which women of strength and anointing will arise and step into the roles God has ordained for them. Women after God's heart, "spiritual mothers," will not be hindered by anything in…

  • Real Kids

    Both my 3-year-old adopted Chinese daughter, Jessica MeiLan, and I love clothes. As a stay-at-home mom, I'm always looking for a bargain, especially since I buy for my daughter first. One Saturday I came home from a yard sale with three denim jumpers, two shorts sets, and a princess-waisted floral dress of pastel pinks, yellows,…

  • The Ingredients of the Anointing

    Under the old covenant, the anointing oil had one exclusive purpose. In a symbolic act of consecration, it was poured out on prophets, priests and kings and on the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant and all the individual utensils that were employed in the worship of God. It was compounded according to strict instructions,…

  • A Woman’s Place in Christ

    For centuries the church has come under the influence of cultural norms whereby women have been held to second-class status. There has been gross misunderstanding of the role of women in society and the church and a marked refusal on the part of many to acknowledge our accomplishments. God is holding His church to a…

  • Everything in Moderation

    At the tender age of 6, I was greatly influenced by television ads. After seeing a Brill Cream commercial numerous times that claimed one could have beautiful hair with just "a little dab," I decided a whole tube would be even better! Delighted to find the miraculous salve in our bathroom, I anointed my head…

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