Sarah Stegall

  • Make a Good Impression

    My three grandchildren are so eager to meet new friends. When 3-year-old Jenna came into the house I said to her: "I saw the new neighbor kids come over and talk to all of you on the driveway. Did you offer them something cold to drink?" "Yes," said Jenna, who was so proud of her…

  • Claiming the Next Generation

    (PART 1)Parents and church members are responsible to show young people their value to God, to teach them the Word of God and to provide guidelines that will prevent a damaged spirit or a broken heart.

  • How ’bout Them Apples

    You've probably never thought of apples as a significant part of a weight-loss regimen, but apples are a great source of fiber, and fiber not only improves digestion but also encourages weight loss. A medium-sized apple contains about five grams of fiber, more than most commercially made cereals--even the health food store variety. They also…

  • How ’bout Them Apples

    You've probably never thought of apples as a significant part of a weight-loss regimen, but apples are a great source of fiber, and fiber not only improves digestion but also encourages weight loss. A medium-sized apple contains about five grams of fiber, more than most commercially made cereals--even the health food store variety. They also…

  • It’s an Acquired Taste

    When I was a child, my mom made bologna and ketchup sandwiches for me on wheat bread. Boy, did I hate them! Maybe she thought that if hot dogs were good with ketchup, then surely bologna would be. After all, bologna is just a flat hot dog, right? All I knew was that I had…

  • Step into the Realm of Glory

    (PART 1)God wants to so possess us that our deep valleys of suffering will be inverted into high mountain peaks of His glory. Great glory is upon the person who is fully yielded to believe God in spite of suffering.

  • Now That’s Taking Authority!

    One day my 7-year-old grandson, Michael, came into the house looking angry and determined. He said: "Mom-ma, those fire ants have attacked us kids and bitten us too many times. "It was time for us to stand up; we had to defend ourselves and go to battle. This was war! So we caught some and…

  • Raise Your Shield of Faith

    (PART 1)We often walk by sight not by faith. But faith is the only thing that can close the gap between our theology and our reality.

  • I Know Exactly What I’m Doing

    "One good laugh will increase the efficiency of your immune system for 24 hours." Francisco Contreas, M.D.As a little girl, I loved to sing--loudly. Early on, I developed a list of favorites among the hymns we sang regularly in the Baptist church my family attended, and I was thrilled when they told me I could…

  • Your Godly Inheritance

    (PART 1)God provides special individuals in our lives to assist us in our spiritual growth. He will lead us to the right spiritual parents as we continue to walk closely with Him.

  • Where Did He Get That Idea?

    When my children were very young, we had a hamster named Adam. When Adam died the children were heartbroken, so we had a funeral service for him and buried him in the flower garden. The next day, I discovered my son, Jason, digging up the dead hamster. Surprised, I asked him, "What are you doing?"…

  • God’s Plan for America

    (PART 1) Our efforts to impact the world will be ineffective if our hearts don't reflect God's righteousness, mercy and love.

  • Which Bible is Right for You?

    THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP IN PINPOINTING THE PERFECT BIBLE IS TO DETERMINE WHAT YOU WANT AND NEED.The choice is easy once you've identified your specific requirements. The following three basic questions--who, how and what--are designed to help you in choosing the appropriate Bible. Who is the Bible for?How will the Bible be used?

  • Don’t Let Feelings Fool You

    (PART 1) When we follow our feelings instead of God's Spirit, we risk missing God's will for our lives. As women of God, we need to learn how to walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh.

  • Boy, was My Face Red!

    I had volunteered to have the women's monthly missionary meeting at my home. And I wanted everything to be perfect. I'd set the table for lunch with my imported, open-cutwork embroidered tablecloth and used our crystal stemware and fine china. The table was beautifully topped off with a rose centerpiece and candles. My 2-1/2-year-old son,…

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