Sabina Tagore Immanuel

  • Worried About Finances During COVID-19? Here’s Why You Can Trust in God’s Provision

    Worried About Finances During COVID-19? Here’s Why You Can Trust in God’s Provision

    We live in times when financial freedom and spending capacity have become the key determinants of the quality of life we experience daily. This has effected a dramatic change in our view of life and has caused a redirection of our goals and purposes. In the wake of a pandemic that’s sweeping the whole world,

  • When Your Brother or Sister Endures Trials, Here’s How Obadiah Says to Respond

    When Your Brother or Sister Endures Trials, Here’s How Obadiah Says to Respond

    A prominent leader in my city went through the tragic loss of a beloved child in an unexpectedly horrific accident that shook the whole family. I was privy to the details of the case since my father was the local investigating officer, and his dignified, compassionate handling of it earned him the grateful respect of

  • How a Misguided Prayer Helped Empower This Woman’s Spiritual Warfare

    How a Misguided Prayer Helped Empower This Woman’s Spiritual Warfare

    A few years ago, I had a tendency to brood over ill-treatment or being overruled, especially when I knew for sure I was right. I would accept others’ decisions without rebelling over authority, but would stew over the injustice of it all and pray to God for vindication. Once, I was at loggerheads with my

  • How You Can Find Patience to Wait on God to Fulfill His Promises

    How You Can Find Patience to Wait on God to Fulfill His Promises

    In the charming story of Ruth, we find two women being a help and succor for each other during hard times. The older woman, Naomi, in the account advises the younger woman, Ruth, to seek shelter under their nearest kinsman, Boaz. After Ruth makes known her desire to marry him in the secret of the

  • Why Christian Women Must Rise Up as Kingdom Warriors

    Why Christian Women Must Rise Up as Kingdom Warriors

    I have become a fan of Star Trek, Avengers and other Marvel movies as well as other space movies such as Interstellar, courtesy of my children. One scene in the last Avengers: Endgame movie touched me greatly: the scene where Captain Marvel is about to carry the sleeve of stones and all the women warriors,

  • These 3 R’s Will Remind You Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Resting

    These 3 R’s Will Remind You Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Resting

    Editor’s Note: This is part 2 of a two-part series. For part 1, click here. Rest Is Restorative Rest and sleep are synonymous and denote a cessation of activity as well as a time of rejuvenation, refreshing and replenishing that happens not just with man, but with all of creation. The psalmist points out in

  • How Sabbath Rest Can Bless Your Life Today

    How Sabbath Rest Can Bless Your Life Today

    Editor’s note: This is part 1 of a two-part series. Watch for part 2, coming soon! The Chinese saint and scholar Watchman Nee’s exposition on the epistle of Ephesians is encapsulated in his book titled Sit, Walk, Stand. Using the King James Version, which was popular in his time, Nee expands three key verses to

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