R. Loren Sandford

  • Pastor Loren Sandford’s Open Apology: How and Why We Got It Wrong

    Pastor Loren Sandford’s Open Apology: How and Why We Got It Wrong

    I promised long ago that if I got it wrong regarding the outcome of the presidential election and my prophecy that Trump would be reelected, I would publish an open apology. Since then, I have waited for procedures and challenges to run their course. Last night, the Congress counted the votes, and the election went

  • R. Loren Sandford Calls the Church to Fight the Fight of Faith

    R. Loren Sandford Calls the Church to Fight the Fight of Faith

    Here is an account my sister shared with me from a friend of hers in Michigan. “Here is what just happened at the John James campaign. She was asked to be a poll challenger as they found 100,000 additional ballots (mysteriously). “This is what she said happened. They (the Democrats) have it all blocked off

  • R. Loren Sandford Prophesies Trump Will Be Reelected by a ‘Wider Margin Than Expected’

    R. Loren Sandford Prophesies Trump Will Be Reelected by a ‘Wider Margin Than Expected’

    Up until now, I have refrained from issuing any prophetic words about the outcome of the election. Here are two reasons why: Too many people throw their brains on the table and stop thinking when they hear a prophetic word, or they become complacent, thinking the outcome is a done deal. In a democracy like

  • Prophecy: More Years of Favor Will Result if Trump Is Reelected

    Prophecy: More Years of Favor Will Result if Trump Is Reelected

    I hope that many of you watched both the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and the Republican National Convention (RNC). I want to contrast the tone of the DNC with the tone of the RNC and pray you don’t think I’m being political. I’m just telling you what I saw and heard and where I think

  • An End-Times Promise for Every Serious Prayer Warrior

    An End-Times Promise for Every Serious Prayer Warrior

    One clear end-time promise of God is Malachi 4:5-6, that God would send Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers so that He would not have to strike the land with

  • Prophet Issues Strong Warning: ‘Cup of God’s Wrath Is Nearly Full’

    Prophet Issues Strong Warning: ‘Cup of God’s Wrath Is Nearly Full’

    I am issuing a stronger prophetic warning than I ever have. I wrote in Visions of the Coming Days in 2011 that the U.S. was not yet under wrath. I differentiated judgment from wrath by saying that judgment is the pressure brought to bear by a loving and patient God to separate right from wrong

  • Prophet: God Told Me, ‘The Day Is Coming When I Will Shake Out Dead Limbs’

    Prophet: God Told Me, ‘The Day Is Coming When I Will Shake Out Dead Limbs’

    Many years ago, the Lord told me that for me, self-promotion was illegal. I’ve wrestled with the implications of that word from Him ever since. For the sake of profitability for the publishers who produce my books, I’m required to do some promotion of my own, but there are limits. I’ve pondered what the apostle

  • A Desperate, Urgent Prophetic Summons for the Growing Remnant

    A Desperate, Urgent Prophetic Summons for the Growing Remnant

    The prophets of the Old Testament were desperate to awaken Israel from spiritual slumber in order to prepare for or avoid the troubled days about to come upon them. Their desperation flowed from a depth of love for God and for His people. If you read the prophets as they’re meant to be read, you

  • Prophet: Don’t Let the Religious Grinch Steal Your Holiday Joy!

    Prophet: Don’t Let the Religious Grinch Steal Your Holiday Joy!

    The holiday season! And the Grinch inevitably shows his face. There are the politically correct police on the liberal side and the religious police on the religious side. Each one wants to tell us that we shouldn’t celebrate these holidays lest we either offend someone or engage in unholy activity. So, according to the PC

  • Prophetic Word: Beware of Leviathan, the Lying Serpent!

    Prophetic Word: Beware of Leviathan, the Lying Serpent!

    This word carries a prophetic mandate. I must speak. For a number of years, I have prophesied what I believe Scripture affirms, that a last-days outpouring of the Holy Spirit is coming that will be greater even than Pentecost. Such a thing, however, does not come to pass without opposition from the enemy of our

  • Prophet: Something Is About to Shift in the Prophetic World

    Prophet: Something Is About to Shift in the Prophetic World

    Something is about to shift in the prophetic world. A cleansing is imminent and already underway. As this purification of much that has been impure takes root, it will also include a changing of the guard. While faithful patriarchs such as John Paul Jackson, Bishop Bill Hamon and my own father, John Sandford (to name

  • Prophecy: God Is Moving Pieces on Master Chessboard for Strategic Days to Come

    Prophecy: God Is Moving Pieces on Master Chessboard for Strategic Days to Come

    It’s been a while since I sent out an issue of Prophetic Moments. It’s been a busy time, and I will devote the bulk of this issue to an important announcement. But let’s begin with this:God is moving the pieces on His master chessboard to position us for the strategic days to come. Ministries are

  • Prophet: This Doctrine of Demons Is Rapidly Infecting the Church

    Prophet: This Doctrine of Demons Is Rapidly Infecting the Church

    A doctrine of demons has been circulating in the church in recent years that has been gaining increasing traction. Cloaked in robes of false righteousness and even claims of prophetic inspiration, but born in rebellion, it appeals to something in our culture that undermines and despises the leadership God has anointed and appointed. Wherever it

  • Block the Leviathan Spirit’s Deadly Attacks With This Spiritual Insight

    Block the Leviathan Spirit’s Deadly Attacks With This Spiritual Insight

    Recently, at a national level, as well as in the church, we have suffered an attack of the Leviathan spirit. Before you get too mystical about all that, understand that Leviathan is a metaphorical reference Scripture draws from the image of a great serpentine sea creature. It describes a spirit that works to twist words

  • Prophecy: We Have a Four-Year Window to Shine—And Recover the ‘Art of the Tremble’

    Prophecy: We Have a Four-Year Window to Shine—And Recover the ‘Art of the Tremble’

    During a prayer meeting in December, 2016 following the election, I had a mental vision of four sticks or poles standing upright, with the fourth one beginning to bend. I asked the Lord what it meant, and He told me, “You, the church, have four years in which to shine.” I understood the bend in

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