Perry Stone

  • Interpreting Dreams and Visions

    Interpreting Dreams and Visions

    Many people who have experienced a spiritual dream may write off the event as some type of weird result of eating too much pizza before retiring for the night. Some believers even have the attitude, “Well, if God wants to show me something, He can just show me!” This brings up a good point: Why…

  • The Usual Suspects in Dreams From God

    The Usual Suspects in Dreams From God

    Without the symbolism it would be difficult for you to know if your dreams were just dreams or a dream from God. Below is a guide to interpreting some of the most common objects and symbols in dreams. To decipher the meaning of objects and symbols in the Bible, a principle of biblical interpretation called…

  • How to Interpret Dreams and Visions

    How to Interpret Dreams and Visions

    Is God speaking to you in the night? Here’s how you can make sense of these often cryptic messages. Many people who have experienced a spiritual dream may write off the event as some type of weird result of eating too much pizza before retiring for the night. Some believers even have the attitude, “Well,

  • Holes in the Soul

    Holes in the Soul

    I once heard a great pastor from Fayetteville, N.C., teach a message at a conference that explained how Satan attempts to choose his future victims while they are very young. He explained how cruel words, sexual abuse, anger, and other physical and emotional weapons create a hole in the emotions of a person. As the…

  • Holes in the Soul

    I once heard a great pastor from Fayetteville, N.C., teach a message at a conference that explained how Satan attempts to choose his future victims while they are very young. He explained how cruel words, sexual abuse, anger, and other physical and emotional weapons create a hole in the emotions of a person. As the…

  • Reasons for the Sabbath

    God created everything in six days, and He rested on the seventh day (Gen. 2:2). This initiated a set time each week called the Sabbath, or Shabbat in Hebrew, which means “to rest or lay aside labor.” There are Hebrew words translated rest in the English translation of the Torah. They include: shabath, which alludes…

  • Answers From Beyond the Grave

    Answers From Beyond the Grave

    Bible teacher Perry Stone tackles seven of the most common questions about heaven For the living, the idea of dying may seem irrelevant at the moment. We all plan for the future and make every attempt to stretch the length of our days like a rubber band until suddenly, like the snap of broken rubber, life ceases and

  • Six Complicated Questions

    Six Complicated Questions

    During my years of ministry, I have been asked many questions about heaven and hell—and about who will be going to each place. Some of the questions asked most often relate to people who have died without ever hearing the gospel story about Christ. This section includes six of these questions, each of which is…

  • Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith

    Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith

    Those who studied biblical prophecy in the late 1930s believed an evil power of darkness had been unleashed in Europe. German dictator and tyrant Adolf Hitler, like a demon on assignment, was initiating his "solution" to the world's problems by planning what historians would later identify as the Jewish Holocaust.

  • What We Can Learn From Jewish Parents

    What We Can Learn From Jewish Parents

    Torah-adherent Jewish parents take time to teach their children prayers, study the Torah and the Talmud, and speak blessings for their future. As a Bible believer, you can follow the same biblical examples and customs of our Jewish counterparts by making operational seven important life truths for your children.

  • Keeping Covenant With God

    Keeping Covenant With God

    It was customary in ancient times to seal a covenant deal with a meal. This ritual dates back to ancient empires and tribes long before the Torah. Some primitive tribes would prepare an animal, or more primitive groups would literally mingle the blood of the covenant parties in a cup of wine and both parties…

  • God’s Covenant Sealed With Blood

    God’s Covenant Sealed With Blood

    God promised Abraham that his seed would create a new nation. But there was a problem—Abraham had no children because his wife, Sarah, was barren. At age 75, he left Ur and journeyed to Canaan with his 65-year-old wife, Sarah. It is interesting that God never revealed the visible sign or token of His covenant…

  • The Secret of God’s Covenant

    The Secret of God’s Covenant

    In a Gentile or non-Jewish society, businessmen speak of contracts and agreements. However, the word covenant was used in ancient times and was more than just a binding agreement signed on a parchment or sealed with a wax impression from a signet ring.

  • The Sacred Name of God

    The Sacred Name of God

    In Hebrew, the sacred, divine name of God is spelled with four Hebrew letters: yod, hei, vav, and hei, or, in English, YHVH. This four-lettered name is called the tetragrammaton, which means "four letters." This name, YHVH, is found 6,823 times in the Hebrew Bible. Hebrew scholars and rabbis all agree that the exact pronunciation…

  • The Sacredness of the Torah

    The Sacredness of the Torah

    Your personal Bible may have a black, brown, blue, or red leather or imitation leather cover. The words may be a fine-print, red-letter edition distinguishing Christ's words. Your translation may be the popular 1611 King James Version, New King James Version, Amplified, or New American Standard. It may have a red ribbon inserted to mark…

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