Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

  • The Holy Spirit: A Person, Not an ‘It’

    The Holy Spirit: A Person, Not an ‘It’

    One evening when our oldest daughter Anna was in college, I, Mahesh, was suddenly overcome by a strong urge to pray. I did not know why, but I knew the Holy Spirit was alerting me and giving me this sense of urgency. I began to pray in the Spirit, and continued to pray for nearly

  • How You Can Walk in Greater Spiritual Authority

    How You Can Walk in Greater Spiritual Authority

    The anointing for miracles comes through impartation of the Holy Spirit. Moses laid hands on Joshua. Elijah laid hands on Elisha. Paul laid hands on Timothy. Jesus gives His Spirit to all who receive Him. In all of these instances, the one on whom the impartation came made himself a lifelong servant of the anointing.

  • Understanding the Personality of the Holy Spirit

    Understanding the Personality of the Holy Spirit

    One evening when our oldest daughter Anna was in college, I, Mahesh, was suddenly overcome by a strong urge to pray. I did not know why, but I knew the Holy Spirit was alerting me and giving me this sense of urgency. I began to pray in the Spirit, and continued to pray for nearly

  • Amnesty and the Cross

    Amnesty and the Cross

    Amnesty. It means an official pardon for the guilty offender for actions against a government. It’s an acquittal, a "not guilty" verdict, but even more—it's a pardon for offenses committed. We don’t often think of amnesty when we think of the cross. But that’s exactly what happened. The government of God acquitted us, pardoned us.…

  • The Cross Changes Everything

    The Cross Changes Everything

    The spectacle of Golgotha stands center stage for men and angels, demons, and principalities and powers in all ages. What hap­pened outside the gate of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago is still unfolding. The cross is a spiritual mission in natural history creating a human spectacle of supernatural achievement. The absolute com­pleteness of Jesus’ atoning work…

  • Pray for Libya

    Pray for Libya

    The Watch of the Lord is a global prayer network begun in 1995 in response to the Lord asking us, "Watch with Me."In January 1995 we invited about 20 people to spend the following Friday from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. on Saturday keeping the "night watch," fasting sleep for spiritual reasons. We gathered to…

  • We Beheld His Glory!

    We Beheld His Glory!

    Have you ever stopped to think about the scenes leading up to Jesus’ birth in their very human terms? We often wrap the Christmas story in a halo-like glow of wonder and the comfort of knowing the end of the story! But in between the awe of angelic visitation, the shining star and the rich…

  • Dreams From Our Fathers

    Dreams From Our Fathers

    Have you ever had a dream that inspired you? Did you know God has a dream for you? God said to Abram, "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you" (Gen. 12:1). God was calling Abram out of his natural identity into…

  • You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet!

    You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet!

    "Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you" (Eph. 5:14, NASB).We are in a fresh season of awakening. People are beginning to experience, hunger for and thirst for God in new ways. People everywhere are finding God as they have not found Him before. We have witnessed in recent weeks…

  • How Big Is Your Chair?

    How Big Is Your Chair?

    Several weeks ago I (Mahesh) was sitting in my library when I suddenly heard a noise behind me. I turned and saw an angel right there. He was young-looking, majestic, awesome, and full of strength, joy, and vigor. He was smiling, but there was the fragrance and atmosphere of battle all around him. He was…

  • Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty!

    Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty!

    Editor's Note: Today's message from Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda was published in the most recent edition of their Prophetic Perspective newsletter as a message to their friends and partners. I believe it is a powerful prophetic word for us all. In recent days the Lord has been bringing back to us a prophetic word He…

  • Keys to All-Night Prayer That Releases God’s Power

    Keys to All-Night Prayer That Releases God’s Power

    “Pray all night?” you ask. “How can anyone pray all night?” It’s easy. Bonnie and I discovered long ago that although prayer is the calling of God to all believers, it is our decision whether we respond or not. Once we make the commitment to seek God’s face in prayer, He honors our decision by

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