Kirk Noonan

  • Active Fathers Plant Life-Changing Seeds

    Active Fathers Plant Life-Changing Seeds

    On average, fathers spend 6.5 hours per week caring for their children. That’s good news for kids because researchers and parenting experts say any time a father spends with his children is time well spent. “Children feel most safe and secure when they have the love and acceptance of both parents,” says Michelle LaRowe, author

  • No More Secrets

    Clay Crosse's battle with pornography almost ruined his marriage and career. But he found total restoration after honest confession.CLAY CROSSE LIVED THE GOOD LIFE. He made big money as a Christian recording artist and climbed the charts with his signature song, “I Surrender All.” He had a beautiful family, a nice house, money to spend…

  • No More Nice Christian Movies

    David Cunningham has captured Hollywood's attention with his new movie, To End All Wars. But don't expect it to resemble the squeaky-clean Christian movies of the last decade.

  • Faith On the Front Lines

    American military personnel are sharing the gospel among their ranks, and the Holy Spirit is working among our soldiers during the war on terrorism.

  • Not Your Average Action Hero

    Willie Aames, once famous for his role on Eight Is Enough, now dons a cape and mask to play the Christian superhero known as Bibleman. Here's how he found faith while in Hollywood.

  • Kansas City Church Celebrates Five Years of ‘Smithton Outpouring’

    A celebration at World Revival Church commemorated the revival that started in a tiny town in central Missouri

  • ‘Rage Against Destruction’ Takes Gospel to High Schools

    The affiliate of Joyce Meyer's Life in the Word ministries is reaching youth with an anti-violence message

  • Roman Catholics join Protestants for celebration in St. Louis

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